Saturday, November 29, 2008
status of the christmas tree
Well based off of majority vote the morris family did get a christmas tree . It is fake , it is white adn it is small but it is a tree and Emi knows not to touch it . There are no ornaments and i like it like that just lights . It definatly makes the room feel warm and cozy . So there you go guys i did it I got my own christmas tree .
Friday, November 28, 2008
I know I'm a little late but i thought i would journal an experience my family had the other day to show how grateful i am and the spirit of giving during the holidays .
Jack had off on Wed so we went to walmart to look at some things for SANTA to bring the babies for Christmas and get some essentials ( IE shampoo body wash ) .
We were there for two hours and Emilee was starting to get cranky rightfully so . However she began to throw one of the biggest temper tantrums and i was just trying to hurry and finish so we could get out of there . She did something that resulted in a spanking ( yes we spank our children it is mostly used as a last resort . After she received her spank jack sat her down and explained to her what had happened and told her that he still loved her .
This lady who i have no idea who she is walked by and just looked at me and said is that your little girl crying down there , i said yes she said well her father handled that situation very well , i said oh thanks . She said if there were more men like that in this world it would be a happier place . Inside i was like thank you ( i thought i was going to get a lecture on parenting ) She then proceeded to talk to me and asked if she could personally tell Jack how she felt i said sure . She went and found him and was talking to him . And he said thank you and she said GOD BLESS and then Emi says Happy Holidays . She turned around and said Since you guys are such good parents I would like to give you something , I said um OK , she pulled out a 20 dollar bill and said here . Now this lady appeared to not have much and i could not take her money , But the spirit told me it was OK to allow her to commit this act of service . I told her no i didn't want her money and she should keep it and she looked at me and said well her it isn't for you it is for your babies . Go get them something . I took the money and started to cry . What a sweet lady . Now it isn't the money she didn't have to give us anything it was the meaning behind it . I said if there were more people like you in the world it would be a better place . Again i want to express that it was not the money , but the thought . She was so nice , she didn't leave her name or say much more and was happy . Man if i could be like her . I will never forget the short lady at walmart who was so kind .
Have a nice day
Jack had off on Wed so we went to walmart to look at some things for SANTA to bring the babies for Christmas and get some essentials ( IE shampoo body wash ) .
We were there for two hours and Emilee was starting to get cranky rightfully so . However she began to throw one of the biggest temper tantrums and i was just trying to hurry and finish so we could get out of there . She did something that resulted in a spanking ( yes we spank our children it is mostly used as a last resort . After she received her spank jack sat her down and explained to her what had happened and told her that he still loved her .
This lady who i have no idea who she is walked by and just looked at me and said is that your little girl crying down there , i said yes she said well her father handled that situation very well , i said oh thanks . She said if there were more men like that in this world it would be a happier place . Inside i was like thank you ( i thought i was going to get a lecture on parenting ) She then proceeded to talk to me and asked if she could personally tell Jack how she felt i said sure . She went and found him and was talking to him . And he said thank you and she said GOD BLESS and then Emi says Happy Holidays . She turned around and said Since you guys are such good parents I would like to give you something , I said um OK , she pulled out a 20 dollar bill and said here . Now this lady appeared to not have much and i could not take her money , But the spirit told me it was OK to allow her to commit this act of service . I told her no i didn't want her money and she should keep it and she looked at me and said well her it isn't for you it is for your babies . Go get them something . I took the money and started to cry . What a sweet lady . Now it isn't the money she didn't have to give us anything it was the meaning behind it . I said if there were more people like you in the world it would be a better place . Again i want to express that it was not the money , but the thought . She was so nice , she didn't leave her name or say much more and was happy . Man if i could be like her . I will never forget the short lady at walmart who was so kind .
Have a nice day
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Yeah my very first tag . My best friend in the whole wide world Ingerlis ( most of you will know who she is ) tagged me this morning and asked me to give 6 radom things about myself
1. I am obsessed with bleach . I love it , I love the way it smells , and clean everything with it . I mean everything . when the kids were using bottles once a week i would bleach them .
2. I am horrible about making decisions . Any type . It drives most people nuts .
3 I am horrified of thunderstorms . I will turn into a little child any time i hear thunder .it is quite embarassing . if we are in the car and it is thundering i will stay in the car . I told jack that if when i went into labor with my kids and it was storming i would just stay home because i was not walking outside in a storm
4. I am overly protective of my kids . I have gotten a fine of 200 .00 because someone looked at my kids . and i called the cops because the situation got out of hand and was charged with disorderly conduct . ( see im not as angelic as some of you may think ) I can be really nice but when you mess with my kids the mama bear comes out x 10 .
5. I am a martha stewart and rachel ray want to be . I have not become successful at either one of these but am getting better .
6. I am a huge night owl . I will stay up so late and then just crash on the sofa . This irratates my husband to no end .
There you go
I tag
julie smalley
lauren phui
1. I am obsessed with bleach . I love it , I love the way it smells , and clean everything with it . I mean everything . when the kids were using bottles once a week i would bleach them .
2. I am horrible about making decisions . Any type . It drives most people nuts .
3 I am horrified of thunderstorms . I will turn into a little child any time i hear thunder .it is quite embarassing . if we are in the car and it is thundering i will stay in the car . I told jack that if when i went into labor with my kids and it was storming i would just stay home because i was not walking outside in a storm
4. I am overly protective of my kids . I have gotten a fine of 200 .00 because someone looked at my kids . and i called the cops because the situation got out of hand and was charged with disorderly conduct . ( see im not as angelic as some of you may think ) I can be really nice but when you mess with my kids the mama bear comes out x 10 .
5. I am a martha stewart and rachel ray want to be . I have not become successful at either one of these but am getting better .
6. I am a huge night owl . I will stay up so late and then just crash on the sofa . This irratates my husband to no end .
There you go
I tag
julie smalley
lauren phui
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
christmas tree no christmas tree
OK so I have been debating this in my mind for years now . Should i get a tree or not . I despise Christmas trees , they are messy they are expensive , and it is just one more thing to fight with my children about . however my husband and other family members and friends are saying that i should get a tree for the kids . This is my thing , my kids are one and two , would they really know the difference , is it worth it . don't get me wrong i love Christmas and the whole ta do about it i just don't see the point in a tree . Let me know what you all think .

Why is it that when we are teenagers we feel like we know everything and our parents know nothing ? I don't know about you but that is how I was when i was a teenager , I knew it all and My mom knew nothing . That is one thing that makes Jenea ( Sister Fultz for four more weeks Yeah ) and I very very different . Jenea has always been the one to stay on the striaght and narrow where as I was always rocking the chair just to the edge, sometimes i woudl fall and fall hard . Any way tonight my mom and I were grocery shopping for thanksgiving and some other things . It was a huge desicion for me to make whether we were going at night after jack got home or after she was done at work . We finally decided that she would pick me up after work and we would go then with the babies .
Shopping went really well almost to well , no crying no fussing no i wants it was heaven . As we were pulling in to my aparment complex and she said see we have your shopping done and you have all night to do whatever ! I said yeah i know but i really didn't want to take the babies out and deal with them . She said sarah you have two kids and you will have to have them with you for the next 18 years at least so deal with it .
Shopping went really well almost to well , no crying no fussing no i wants it was heaven . As we were pulling in to my aparment complex and she said see we have your shopping done and you have all night to do whatever ! I said yeah i know but i really didn't want to take the babies out and deal with them . She said sarah you have two kids and you will have to have them with you for the next 18 years at least so deal with it .
As most of you know Jack works alot of hours which leaves me with two children alot alone . My next comment was You know sometimes i like to leave Jack with the kids by himself so he can see how it is . Her next comment to me struck me hard she said You need to appreciate where you are at in life and find JOY IN THE JOURNEY .
Man my mom is sooo wise and knows what to say and when to say it . So im making it a goal to find that JOY IN THE JOURNEY , AND APPRECIATE THE TIME I HAVE WITH MY TWO LITTLE KIDS .
I am grateful for them and for all they teach me . I am also grateful for the chance that i get to have them with me all day long
Friday, November 21, 2008
It snowed ! Emilee woke me up this morning to a Mommy it snowed yeah . I was in a deep slumber and peeled open my eyes and said huh oh yeah it SNOWED . Ok people we are only talking about a few inches but in a two year olds eyes it was magnificent . I asked her if she wanted to go out side and she said no it to cold . Now if it was only Christmas . I love the snow .
I love the crisp air ,the crunchiness of the snow ,the excitement in my daughters eyes and the snuggling that my children and husband allow to happen to stay warm .
Also a really good reason to have some really good hot cocoa .
I love the crisp air ,the crunchiness of the snow ,the excitement in my daughters eyes and the snuggling that my children and husband allow to happen to stay warm .
Also a really good reason to have some really good hot cocoa .
Monday, November 17, 2008
i am having no luck with big appliances
OK so now today I'm waiting for maitence to come rip apart my bathroom upstairs . of course it is the bathroom that has the tub and sink and toilet so it has been very interesting . they have to rip the whole toilet up and see what is blocking it . it just over flows for no reason you don't even need to flush it . OH WHAT JOY .
Friday, November 14, 2008
fun at borders
The clan and I were driving to go to target to get Diapers and such when we saw a bus with Glenn beck on it at borders . I had read earlier in the paper that he was going to be at borders at 5 but it was now 630 so i thought it would be to late . While i consider myself a repubocrat ( Dem + rep ) I really like Glenn Beck so in we went and waited for over an hour with our two babies to get a book signed . crazy huh . We cam home and Emi wanted to talk to Gama so we called her and she told my dad and mom and uncle Kenny that she saw Glenn Beck . It was an exciting moment and i learned one thing always remember that double stroller .
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
a night from you know where .
OK so you all are going to laugh at me and that is ok but i still am a little embarrassed by the whole evening maybe i will laugh tomorrow who knows . This morning I went through my whole morning routine , made breakfast cleaned dishes because i was lazy last night , got sippy cups together and went about my day . This afternoon i was getting ready to stick dinner in the crock pot when i discovered that i needed to clean the crock pot so in the dishwasher it goes and i was putting stuff from lunch down the garbage disposal.
All the sudden my feet are soaking wet and dark brown dirty water is pouring out of my cupboards . gross i know , last week Matthew put three Bink's down the toilet so i thought the worse . I called jack in a frantic and he said just let it be he is on his way home .
He came home and just looked at the kitchen and shook his head . See i worked when it was just Emilee so this stuff never happened . Emi and I left Jack to be mister hero and save the day and went grocery shopping . we came back an hour later and it was still a mess . he said you have to call matience .
So i called maitence and pleaded with the lady to send someone tonight , she did
You know what i did . I put rice in the garbage disposal and ruined it . they had to call a plumber and everything . He said since it is the first time they won't charge me but if it happens again I'm looking at a 300 dollar bill . ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .... so now my dishwasher and disposal work but I'm afraid to use them now . i need to clean my kitchen floor man i wish i had a dog . hey Jen can i use yours ?????
Oh well another story in the life of a stay at home mom
Oh yeah i learned that you can use vinegar to clean just about anything even your clothes and they don't come out smelling like vinegar they come out smelling really really clean . just a tip .
Again you can laugh and call me crazy but i don't find any of this funny tonight
All the sudden my feet are soaking wet and dark brown dirty water is pouring out of my cupboards . gross i know , last week Matthew put three Bink's down the toilet so i thought the worse . I called jack in a frantic and he said just let it be he is on his way home .
He came home and just looked at the kitchen and shook his head . See i worked when it was just Emilee so this stuff never happened . Emi and I left Jack to be mister hero and save the day and went grocery shopping . we came back an hour later and it was still a mess . he said you have to call matience .
So i called maitence and pleaded with the lady to send someone tonight , she did
You know what i did . I put rice in the garbage disposal and ruined it . they had to call a plumber and everything . He said since it is the first time they won't charge me but if it happens again I'm looking at a 300 dollar bill . ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .... so now my dishwasher and disposal work but I'm afraid to use them now . i need to clean my kitchen floor man i wish i had a dog . hey Jen can i use yours ?????
Oh well another story in the life of a stay at home mom
Oh yeah i learned that you can use vinegar to clean just about anything even your clothes and they don't come out smelling like vinegar they come out smelling really really clean . just a tip .
Again you can laugh and call me crazy but i don't find any of this funny tonight
Monday, November 10, 2008
gratitude and a new calling
Yesterday had to be one of the busiest Sundays of my life . I was asked last week by my wonderful father to give a talk on gratitude. It was hard to find time to actually sit down without interruptions and write a talk so at 11 30 Saturday night here i was at the computer doing a talk . the topic was on gratitude and it was more difficult than i thought . but i felt i did pretty well till i listened to the other talk and then i thought man my talk was so elementary and primary like oh well .
Speaking of Primary last Sunday i was sitting in what i call the moms club ( out in the hallway with Matthew and i said oh my in Feb Matthew will be in nursery and i could enjoy rs and Sunday school for once . ) wrong wrong wrong i was stopped in the hallway and asked if i could be a primary worker . ahhhhhh . The Lord always does this to me i get a break and he throws something else for me to conquer .
I will be with the 10 and 11 year olds so it should be fun i find that i respond better to older children then younger ones . wish me luck
Speaking of Primary last Sunday i was sitting in what i call the moms club ( out in the hallway with Matthew and i said oh my in Feb Matthew will be in nursery and i could enjoy rs and Sunday school for once . ) wrong wrong wrong i was stopped in the hallway and asked if i could be a primary worker . ahhhhhh . The Lord always does this to me i get a break and he throws something else for me to conquer .
I will be with the 10 and 11 year olds so it should be fun i find that i respond better to older children then younger ones . wish me luck
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