Friday, December 12, 2008


Well the Morris family recieved an early christmas present . o should i say SURPRISE . We are having a baby , It will be due sometime in august im somwhere between 4-6 weeks . Crazy . I know i said that i woudlnt' mind having another one close to the others but now that it is here im a little nervous . any suggestions ! I feel good tired mostly and nausus but nothing more than the normal . I will keep you all posted
SURPRISE . Merry Christmas

Monday, December 8, 2008

Eight year anniversry of a bad accident

Yesterday I taught my sweet primary class ( I truly love those kids .) our lesson was on a Testimony of the Book Of Mormon. We were talking about Moroni's promise , and our conversation switched over to talking about the holy ghost . I talked about an experience that i had eight years ago that has truly changed my life in so many ways .

It was the winter of the year 2000 I had just graduated that summer and though i knew it all . I was living in king of prussia with my aunt and uncle and cousin. ( i was living with them because i thought that i was all grown up and didn't need my parents anymore . BOY WAS I WRONG . Anyway i was driving home from work ( i was working at LORD AND TAYLOR ) and i decided to go visit a friend of mine at work and then go home . I got lost and was on a back road . well it was rainy , cold and dark . I didn't see a stop sign at the top of the hill and I ran it . ( aline and steve and crystal may know what road im talking about ) there was a car coming at me and i knew that i was goign to get hit . so i put my emergancy break on and covered my face . I got this feeling to take off my seat belt . ( i was driving an ford escort wagon and you could have your chest belt on and your lap belt off or visa versa . anyway I was like are you crazy you will die fi hyou take your belt off , but the thought was louder and clearer and i did it . I don't remember the rest all I remember next is I was being life lined to a hospital and the doctors in the helacopter told me that if i would of had my lap belt on i would of died instantly . WOW .

A bunch of stitches later , a brokenn back , a crushed tail bone , and broken pelvic bone im still here . Im in pain most days expecially cold and rainy ones . Pregnancy is my backs worst nightmare but Im alive and i have two beautiful children .
TO think that if i would not of listend to the still small voice I would not of met Jack , I would not of gotten sealed in the temple , I would not know what being a mother is because i would not of had Emilee and Matthew .

Thanks for letting me share .

Monday, December 1, 2008

oh Emilee you are so sweet

Ok since you folks have convinced me to get a tree it has really got me into decorating the house to make it more christmasy ( is that even a word ? ) the other night i put my very simple nativity up and Emi picked up baby jesus and said ma what this . I said that is baby Jesus we have to be careful with him ok . I started explaning christmas ( the real meaning that is , she is already aware of the secular meaning ) in a two year old kind of way . Well Jack said it is time for bed and she gave me her kiss and then started walking upstairs when she came back to the nativity and said Bye baby jesus shhh he sleeping , I Love you Baby Jesus . It brought tears to my eyes . I hope that she always keeps jesus in her heart and loves him . What a great example .