I cannot believe that I am titleing my page this but yes it is true MY BABY IS ONE . Where has the year gone , Istill remember sitting here writing a post about me having him and him being sooo tiny. Well while reality is I still don't have a schedule and my life is still crazy , this little boy brings so much laughter and excitement into our home . He is the most easy going , happy , adventourous baby I have ever had .
Some things that tyler does now are
He can walk however chooses not to . I believe this is because I think he knows that once he starts walking he will be carried alot less .
He loves to EAT , Tyler was never a fan of baby food and went straight to table food and has loved it ever since .
He weighs 20 lbs but is 33 inches long ( his 3 year old brother Matthew is only 35 1/2 inches long ) Poor Matthew has inherited his mommas genes of being short and round .
His words that he can say are , emi , momma , daddy , ba ba ( bottle ) hi , bye bye .
He has to be at my side at all times ( ALL TIMES ) while this can be annoying I am loving every minute of it because he will not be like this forever .
He wants to be like his bigger siblings Emilee and Matthew , sometimes this gets him into trouble
He has started the dreaded habit of biting however it is only ME he will bite .
He is not the best sleeper in the world but sure loves to snuggle
This little guy LOVES EVERYONE and we love him
Happy birthday baby MOMMY LOVES YOU
Monday, August 9, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
I was watching a video on a friend of mines facebook page about a father and a son doing the iron man . The son is handicapped however the father was pulling him in a raft while he swam, pushed his wheelchair while he ran , peddled a two person bike with his son on the front . The message of this video reminds me of the love that i have for each of my children and how i want to be there pushing and pulling for them and being their biggest cheerleader . My children are my life and my world without them i have nothing . It is amazing to me the deep deep love that we have for our children and to know that our heavenly fathers love is deeper and stronger for me and for all of us . He is there pushing and pulling and keeps going and going even when we don't want him to . I can remember as a young teenager really just wanting my parents to leave me alone . I'm so glad that they pushed and pulled because without them and there love i would not be where i am or who i am today . I have been struggling lately with finding joy in the journey of motherhood . At times i think am i getting through am i doing enough am i loving them enough . and then i see there sweet innocent faces smiling or laughing or being forgiving and think there is no greater love that i can have for someone then this . Some days the iron man race of life is exhausting and i feel like i can't give any more and somedays i would like to just walk out the door and quit but i can't i have to keep fighting and going and moving forward they need me and i need them . i have been super emotional lately and i don't know if it is still because I'm still somewhat post par tum or what . but i love my Emilee Matthew and Tyler . and we as team Morris will strive to finish this big race of life so we can live together forever . ( oh yeah jack is part of team Morris as well . )
sorry for two sappy posts in a row but it is my feelings .
sorry for two sappy posts in a row but it is my feelings .
Saturday, January 23, 2010
special moment
Ok so you moms of little kids will get this , but you know how you never really have a quiet moment to think unless you are driving in the car or taking a shower or have locked your self in your room to just have a moment ? Well today I had a chance to haveo ne of those moments and i figured I needed to come home and type it here before i got to busy and forgot ! Emilee Tyler and I went to my cousins little girls birthday party today my mom agreed to take emilee over night tonight so on the way home it was just me and tyler ! I had one of my church cds playing in the car and the song BE STILL MY SOUL came on . I was singing along and then the spirit just touched me in a way i needed it to . Tyler was a sleep and i didn't have any toddlers with me so it was so quiet and still and the thought came to my mind as i have been stressing over some things that my soul needs to BE STILL and that I need to put ALL my trust in Heavennly Father and all things that are important will be taking care of . It brought tears to my eyes and truly my soul was still . I love these little moments where we can be reminded what the real purpose is here and that god knows all things . I know that this a short personal post but it is one i wish to remember so i can look back and remeber that it is ok to be still . I love the quote Be still and know that I am god .
Thanks for letting me share
Thanks for letting me share
Saturday, December 26, 2009
I can not believe that it is time to write an entry called the year 2009. Where has the time gone ! This year has been full of rocky roads and blessings beyond measure. But while I say that I have a home , a family, and my babies so life is good . January started out great Jack was working , I was one month preg and taking care of Emilee at the time age 2 matthew age 1 . In the beginning of Feb . life continued to be wonderful and doing our day to day routine . Jack was working in Baltimore ( yes he drove everyday ) and I took care of the kids and tried to take care of myself . Then life got a little crazy , The middle of feb Jack lost his job with two little kids and preg wife that was hard but we were greatly blessed he was only unemployed for a week , but i firmly believe that things happen for a reason because on Feb 28 , I became seriously ill. I got pylonephritis ( a severe kidney infection ) I woke up one morning and could not move , I got myself to the ER and discovered what was wrong , I was running fevers of 105 . not able to eat or move . I was in the hospital for 8 days worrying about my unborn baby . Jack was wonderful he took care of everything the house the kids me , and he found a job . This illness took over my body and made life rather difficult until I had Tyler James Michael . but throughout this whole trial Jack continues to take care of me my kids and we received help beyond measure from family and close friends . March was a great month nothing two exciting . April was also uneventful but blessed. May was an interesting month Emilee turned 3 , and Jack turned 39. The end of May Jacks mom Judy passed away suddenly and off to Montana we went. That was an interesting ride me being sick and also driving in a car cross country 20 weeks preg. I don't know who had it worse Jack with me or me dealing with preg a funeral and driving cross country . June brought on my step daughter Brittany turning 18 and graduating highschool , while we do not have a relationship i know her mother is very proud and did allot of hard work in raising her and she has turned out to be a beautiful person . July was a great month I turned 27 and the count down to baby n umber 3 begun four more weeks and we would be a family of five . August came and my big boy Matthew turned 2 and the next day after alot of talking maybe a little bit of whining :) Tyler James Michael Morris came into the world and joined our crazy family. He was the cutest tinest baby i have ever had but he was ours and we love him . August -October was based off of survival . Three children is alot of work at any age i believe but when you have three in four years it is really challenging but you are blessed tenfold . These babies love me regardless of the many many many shortcomings jack and i have . but we are doing our best . September Emilee started preschool and loves it . She is growing up so fast and becoming a person instead of a little girl. I love her and really enjoy the fun things a mother gets to do with a daughter. November was an exciting month with Thanksgiving and realizing what we all have to be thankful for . Ohh I guess i should back up to October 1 when Jack and I celebrated 5 wonderful , stressful , blessed years of marriage . we have been through alot and sometimes honestly i wanted to call it quits i couldn't deal with it anymore but sometimes love is stronger than we think it is and I m so glad I did not listen to my bad thoughts . we have a beautiful family and we have love nothing else is needed . That brings us to December. Christmas was the best this year Emilee finally gets Christmas and watching their child like excitement in just driving to see lights and that they were so grateful for the simplest gifts was so wonderful . Seeing them and feeling the love i feel for them made me really think of the Love our savior has for us . I could not imagine having a baby in a stable with animals watching , but our savior came to earth so that he could set the ultimate example for us to live so that we can return back to him . Oh how I love my savior and how grateful I am for the sacrifices he made for us . May you all have a wonderful and fulfilling 2010
Love Jack , Sarah , Emilee Grace Ann , Matthew David Lee , Tyler James Michael Morris
The Morris 5
Love Jack , Sarah , Emilee Grace Ann , Matthew David Lee , Tyler James Michael Morris
The Morris 5
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
FIVE YEARS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last thursday I celebrated my Fifth Year Wedding Anniversary . I can not believe that it has been five years already , man time flies when you are having fun . This past five years have been a rollercoster of ups and downs and sometimes those hills were HUGE and a little scary . I can remember when I first figured out that Jack was the one i was to marry . it felt kind of wierd and exciting . This is when i discovered that i would be a step mom to kids who weren't much younger than me and as old as my siblings , and marry somoene who when he talked about a movie from his childhood my parents would say oh yeah i remember that and i would say huh .
But man i was in love
I could list 1825 reasons why i love jack but that would take forever and im sure bore you all so i will just list 5 for the five years i have been married to him
1. HIS SOUTHERN ACCENT . It gets me everytime .
2. His willingness to make sure that me and my kids are ok
3. His strong work ethic ( I can't tell you how many times i have said to him to just take a personal day and he has said no sarah i have a job and i need to go do it , or he will get up early to go paint for my dads buisness even though he has just worked a late night )
4. His strong support in having me stay home with the kids . He knows that this is important to me and has never ever made me feel like i need to get a job , as a matter of fact i have asked multiple times to get a part time job and he said no . he would work three jobs before he aasked me to work .
5. providing me with three beautiful children . while life is crazy they are ours and we created them
I hope to spend a long time and have agreat life with this man . He is my best friend and the leader of our home
Happy anniversary Baby .
But man i was in love
I could list 1825 reasons why i love jack but that would take forever and im sure bore you all so i will just list 5 for the five years i have been married to him
1. HIS SOUTHERN ACCENT . It gets me everytime .
2. His willingness to make sure that me and my kids are ok
3. His strong work ethic ( I can't tell you how many times i have said to him to just take a personal day and he has said no sarah i have a job and i need to go do it , or he will get up early to go paint for my dads buisness even though he has just worked a late night )
4. His strong support in having me stay home with the kids . He knows that this is important to me and has never ever made me feel like i need to get a job , as a matter of fact i have asked multiple times to get a part time job and he said no . he would work three jobs before he aasked me to work .
5. providing me with three beautiful children . while life is crazy they are ours and we created them
I hope to spend a long time and have agreat life with this man . He is my best friend and the leader of our home
Happy anniversary Baby .
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Challenges , reality , milestones and family
I know I know it has been five weeks since i have updated this blog . But i have an excuse or shall i say three excuses their names are emilee matthew and tyler .
This post is going to be about the day to day of The morris house hold
Some of the challenges of being a mom of three three and under are time , there is never enough of time for everyone . Cleaning and keeping up on the daily chores ( i really don't want to go there ) making sure everyone is getting the attention and care that they need , this one is the hardest I never really get to enjoy tyler im so busy that sometimes im finding myself saying hurry up and eat this bottle so that i can go get stuff for your siblings , or your just going to have to cry a little bit longer because darn it i need a shower . Poor jack by the time the kids are in bed and it is time to be a grown up and have some one on one time i am pooped , exhausted and just trying to get ready for the next day .
But oh am I so richly richly blessed .
Reality is I did this to myself . No body made me have three babies , so i just need to suck it up and do it . Everyone says yeah well you have your mom right there , yes that is true and yes sometimes i find myself using her more as a crutch then i should however reality is they are my babies and my responsibility and no matter if your mom lives a few miles down the road or across the country it is still hard .
Reality is my husband works second shift which leaves me to the most STRESSFUL time of day bed time , tyler does not do well at night and i am tyring to get the older two on a schedule for bed time so it is hard . Reality is I can't lay down with the kids anymore tiull tthey fall asleep
I am finding that I stay in more while that gets depressing and lonely reality is it is a hard thing to do to get three babies all buckled up in their seats and all in the mood to go somewhere and it is really hard to go shopping by myself because really how can i push two carts .
Emilee is in PRESCHOOL . This is a true blessing for both of us , It gives me a break . yes it is a break to only have two babies at home . She loves it and does really well , she needs this to get away and be her own person , I have foudn that I have treated Emi and Matthew as twins , this they are not they are two individuals at two different stages in life . So trying to let Emilee grow up while not rushing matthew to is hard
Tyler is doing really well , his head is super strong he likes to roll onto his side , he is laughing and cooing .
Matthew is Talking up a storm and really learning to express his feelings with words versus tears . I really try to stress this because whining is no friend of mine
Jack has doen a a super job at coming to terms with the fact htat we live in a zoo and that life is busy . He is such a huge help , willing to take the older kids so i can take tyler or take tyler so that i can enjoy the older ones . He is also a hard worker poor guy has been super super sick and has continued to help me and go to work ( he finally listend and came home early )
I would not be able to do this without him . He is truly my best friend
I love my fmaily I would be lonely and BORED with out them
My mom puts up with my lonliness and will allow me to come to her house to just have a change of atmosphere and hang out and eat dinner
My dad is always a good guy hard worker and a great pap pap
He really loves his grandchildren
Our aunt Nina ( Jenea ) we love her and miss her and want her home . She is sooo happy and if i could be half of what she is oh man i would be good . She loves life and everyone . She takes great care of my kids and helps me realize that the stuff they do is normal . She will mae a great mom someotime
Uncle Kenny , He is at school and doing well in soccer . Oh i love kenny . He is a great great guy and does what he wants to do . He is helpful and great with my older kids they are lucky to have him as an uncle
Sam He loves music and life and the gospel , He knows for himself that he is doing what he wants to do .
Jack like i said earlier is a great guy and hard worker , he knows that family is his priority and makes sure that we have what we need even if it means getting rid of something that he wants He deals with my stress well and reminds me that im a good mom . He got a new job and will be hoem at night oh im so happy we have been married five years tommarow TOMMAROW wow and i havn't had him home at night ever
Me well im a mom while at times i feel like im losing my own identity and sometimes thinking my kids would be better off with me working ( I can be pretty nasty sometimes ) I love staying home and when it ocmes down to it that is what i need to be doing right now in this season of my life
I really need to look into finding joy in the journey
I love my kids and my husband and while this post has been a little personal i needed to see this in type . To realize that im truley blessed and that my life isn't so hard
well im off to go put my babies to bed
This post is going to be about the day to day of The morris house hold
Some of the challenges of being a mom of three three and under are time , there is never enough of time for everyone . Cleaning and keeping up on the daily chores ( i really don't want to go there ) making sure everyone is getting the attention and care that they need , this one is the hardest I never really get to enjoy tyler im so busy that sometimes im finding myself saying hurry up and eat this bottle so that i can go get stuff for your siblings , or your just going to have to cry a little bit longer because darn it i need a shower . Poor jack by the time the kids are in bed and it is time to be a grown up and have some one on one time i am pooped , exhausted and just trying to get ready for the next day .
But oh am I so richly richly blessed .
Reality is I did this to myself . No body made me have three babies , so i just need to suck it up and do it . Everyone says yeah well you have your mom right there , yes that is true and yes sometimes i find myself using her more as a crutch then i should however reality is they are my babies and my responsibility and no matter if your mom lives a few miles down the road or across the country it is still hard .
Reality is my husband works second shift which leaves me to the most STRESSFUL time of day bed time , tyler does not do well at night and i am tyring to get the older two on a schedule for bed time so it is hard . Reality is I can't lay down with the kids anymore tiull tthey fall asleep
I am finding that I stay in more while that gets depressing and lonely reality is it is a hard thing to do to get three babies all buckled up in their seats and all in the mood to go somewhere and it is really hard to go shopping by myself because really how can i push two carts .
Emilee is in PRESCHOOL . This is a true blessing for both of us , It gives me a break . yes it is a break to only have two babies at home . She loves it and does really well , she needs this to get away and be her own person , I have foudn that I have treated Emi and Matthew as twins , this they are not they are two individuals at two different stages in life . So trying to let Emilee grow up while not rushing matthew to is hard
Tyler is doing really well , his head is super strong he likes to roll onto his side , he is laughing and cooing .
Matthew is Talking up a storm and really learning to express his feelings with words versus tears . I really try to stress this because whining is no friend of mine
Jack has doen a a super job at coming to terms with the fact htat we live in a zoo and that life is busy . He is such a huge help , willing to take the older kids so i can take tyler or take tyler so that i can enjoy the older ones . He is also a hard worker poor guy has been super super sick and has continued to help me and go to work ( he finally listend and came home early )
I would not be able to do this without him . He is truly my best friend
I love my fmaily I would be lonely and BORED with out them
My mom puts up with my lonliness and will allow me to come to her house to just have a change of atmosphere and hang out and eat dinner
My dad is always a good guy hard worker and a great pap pap
He really loves his grandchildren
Our aunt Nina ( Jenea ) we love her and miss her and want her home . She is sooo happy and if i could be half of what she is oh man i would be good . She loves life and everyone . She takes great care of my kids and helps me realize that the stuff they do is normal . She will mae a great mom someotime
Uncle Kenny , He is at school and doing well in soccer . Oh i love kenny . He is a great great guy and does what he wants to do . He is helpful and great with my older kids they are lucky to have him as an uncle
Sam He loves music and life and the gospel , He knows for himself that he is doing what he wants to do .
Jack like i said earlier is a great guy and hard worker , he knows that family is his priority and makes sure that we have what we need even if it means getting rid of something that he wants He deals with my stress well and reminds me that im a good mom . He got a new job and will be hoem at night oh im so happy we have been married five years tommarow TOMMAROW wow and i havn't had him home at night ever
Me well im a mom while at times i feel like im losing my own identity and sometimes thinking my kids would be better off with me working ( I can be pretty nasty sometimes ) I love staying home and when it ocmes down to it that is what i need to be doing right now in this season of my life
I really need to look into finding joy in the journey
I love my kids and my husband and while this post has been a little personal i needed to see this in type . To realize that im truley blessed and that my life isn't so hard
well im off to go put my babies to bed
Monday, August 24, 2009

Well hello Blog world ! It has been almost three weeks but im just now feeling up to writing the details of tylers entrance into the world . On August 5th we celebrated matthews bday by going to chocolate world and spoiling that little boy rotten but hey my baby was turning two , this day was bitter sweet because i just sat back and said yeah my baby is two he is getting so big but at the same time i was sad because he wouldn't be my little baby anymore . I was going to have my little baby tommarow .
August 6 finally 5 in the morning came ( i didn't sleep at all the night before because of contractions and nervs and becuse i was starving).as jack and i drove up to the med center i got a little sad, due to aweful preg and health issues tyler was going to be my final baby. But a little part of me kept saying I will never ever be preg again . Again another bitter sweet moment . We got up to the Labor and Delivery unit and they informed us that there were NO ROOMS and they didn't know when i was going to be able to deliver ( see i was an elective c section so i was at the bottom of the list ) The only way to move up on the list quicker was to go into labor or have my water break . So Jack and I decided we would sit and wait it out . Well we waited and waited and at noon my doctor came in and said he promised that i would not leave the hospital preg however he didn't know when i would get back to a room . Remember im 38 weeks preg and have not eaten since 9 pm the night before i was starving and i was thirsty . which made me a very unhappy uncomfortable preg lady . ( Poor Jack ) He did well though im sure he was saying this is the last time sarah will ever be this hormonal again .
To make a long story short at 5 30 they came back to the waiting room and called my name . I was going back to a room , they still weren't sure when iwould deliver because they had four women at 10 centimeters but at least i was in a bed and was admitted .
At 6 30 they came back and got me ready to go and go Jack all suited up incase i was able to have the spinal then he could be there .
It took 45 long painful minutes to get that spinal in and i kept saying just put me to sleep put me to sleep , due to my accident in 2000 my back was not cooperating so it took forever but let me tell you once that spinal was in it wa sin and it felt great . Jack came in and sat at my head but all i wanted to do was go to sleep . All we had to do now was wait . They had to use the vaccum on Tyler because he had his head stuck between my pelvic and hip bone . ( I didn't find this out til after wards but that would explain all the pressure that i was feeling . They then asked me one more time if i wanted to have my tubes tied i said yes and they did that . stapled me up put me in recovery .
The OR nurse said you have a huge fan club out in the hall waiting for you . and sure enough there were family and friends , I was soooo tired and soooo hungry and sooooo out of it i really just wanted to see my baby and go to sleep .
Oh back up sorry , when tyler came out i was really excited to hear how much he weighed . On the ultra sound he was measuring at about 7.5 lbs . so I said how much does he weigh and they said 6lbs 8 oz i said what are you sure you don't have that backwards . and here they brought me this tiny tiny tiny baby . But oh i was in love .
He was healthy and sweet and mine . Finally he was here and life was good . The whole process is amazing how it works . You have this person in side of you for 9 months and then he or she is out and yours and your responsibility . But the love and bond is instant .
While in the hospital i noticed that i felt clueless . Going from toddler to new born was wierd . I can not imagine how people go from older children to new born . I remember tyler starting to get fussy and i was thinking why od'tyou just go get a snack or get a drink . Oh wait you are completely helpless and i need to provide you those things .
We came home Sunday morning . My recovery was wonderful the best i have had . My insicion has opend up again like last time but not as bad .
Now it is just figuring out how to juggle three kids and getting back into a routine . Really the getting abck into a routine is the hardest thing . we are a crazy unorganized house right now but that is ok right ?
Now it is just figuring out how to juggle three kids and getting back into a routine . Really the getting abck into a routine is the hardest thing . we are a crazy unorganized house right now but that is ok right ?
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