Well hello Blog world ! It has been almost three weeks but im just now feeling up to writing the details of tylers entrance into the world . On August 5th we celebrated matthews bday by going to chocolate world and spoiling that little boy rotten but hey my baby was turning two , this day was bitter sweet because i just sat back and said yeah my baby is two he is getting so big but at the same time i was sad because he wouldn't be my little baby anymore . I was going to have my little baby tommarow .
August 6 finally 5 in the morning came ( i didn't sleep at all the night before because of contractions and nervs and becuse i was starving).as jack and i drove up to the med center i got a little sad, due to aweful preg and health issues tyler was going to be my final baby. But a little part of me kept saying I will never ever be preg again . Again another bitter sweet moment . We got up to the Labor and Delivery unit and they informed us that there were NO ROOMS and they didn't know when i was going to be able to deliver ( see i was an elective c section so i was at the bottom of the list ) The only way to move up on the list quicker was to go into labor or have my water break . So Jack and I decided we would sit and wait it out . Well we waited and waited and at noon my doctor came in and said he promised that i would not leave the hospital preg however he didn't know when i would get back to a room . Remember im 38 weeks preg and have not eaten since 9 pm the night before i was starving and i was thirsty . which made me a very unhappy uncomfortable preg lady . ( Poor Jack ) He did well though im sure he was saying this is the last time sarah will ever be this hormonal again .
To make a long story short at 5 30 they came back to the waiting room and called my name . I was going back to a room , they still weren't sure when iwould deliver because they had four women at 10 centimeters but at least i was in a bed and was admitted .
At 6 30 they came back and got me ready to go and go Jack all suited up incase i was able to have the spinal then he could be there .
It took 45 long painful minutes to get that spinal in and i kept saying just put me to sleep put me to sleep , due to my accident in 2000 my back was not cooperating so it took forever but let me tell you once that spinal was in it wa sin and it felt great . Jack came in and sat at my head but all i wanted to do was go to sleep . All we had to do now was wait . They had to use the vaccum on Tyler because he had his head stuck between my pelvic and hip bone . ( I didn't find this out til after wards but that would explain all the pressure that i was feeling . They then asked me one more time if i wanted to have my tubes tied i said yes and they did that . stapled me up put me in recovery .
The OR nurse said you have a huge fan club out in the hall waiting for you . and sure enough there were family and friends , I was soooo tired and soooo hungry and sooooo out of it i really just wanted to see my baby and go to sleep .
Oh back up sorry , when tyler came out i was really excited to hear how much he weighed . On the ultra sound he was measuring at about 7.5 lbs . so I said how much does he weigh and they said 6lbs 8 oz i said what are you sure you don't have that backwards . and here they brought me this tiny tiny tiny baby . But oh i was in love .
He was healthy and sweet and mine . Finally he was here and life was good . The whole process is amazing how it works . You have this person in side of you for 9 months and then he or she is out and yours and your responsibility . But the love and bond is instant .
While in the hospital i noticed that i felt clueless . Going from toddler to new born was wierd . I can not imagine how people go from older children to new born . I remember tyler starting to get fussy and i was thinking why od'tyou just go get a snack or get a drink . Oh wait you are completely helpless and i need to provide you those things .
We came home Sunday morning . My recovery was wonderful the best i have had . My insicion has opend up again like last time but not as bad .
Now it is just figuring out how to juggle three kids and getting back into a routine . Really the getting abck into a routine is the hardest thing . we are a crazy unorganized house right now but that is ok right ?
Now it is just figuring out how to juggle three kids and getting back into a routine . Really the getting abck into a routine is the hardest thing . we are a crazy unorganized house right now but that is ok right ?
I like your comment about going from a toddler to a newborn again- I really wonder how that is going to be with James, when I finally decide to have another baby. Who knows, he could be ten at that point!! ;) But congratulations- Tyler is totally adorable and Emi's picture holding him is too sweet. What a proud big sister.
Congratulations Sarah! He looks great. Much smaller than my baby. I hope your csection went as well as mine. It hasn't even been a full two weeks and I feel so much better than I did having a vaginal delivery with Christian. He looks so tiny compared to my big baby girl!
Congratulations to you all! What a beautiful little boy!
Congrats! He's a cutie!!! Your mom showed me pictures when we were in Hbg last Sunday. Glad to hear you're doing well!
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