Well the Morris family recieved an early christmas present . o should i say SURPRISE . We are having a baby , It will be due sometime in august im somwhere between 4-6 weeks . Crazy . I know i said that i woudlnt' mind having another one close to the others but now that it is here im a little nervous . any suggestions ! I feel good tired mostly and nausus but nothing more than the normal . I will keep you all posted
SURPRISE . Merry Christmas
Friday, December 12, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Eight year anniversry of a bad accident
Yesterday I taught my sweet primary class ( I truly love those kids .) our lesson was on a Testimony of the Book Of Mormon. We were talking about Moroni's promise , and our conversation switched over to talking about the holy ghost . I talked about an experience that i had eight years ago that has truly changed my life in so many ways .
It was the winter of the year 2000 I had just graduated that summer and though i knew it all . I was living in king of prussia with my aunt and uncle and cousin. ( i was living with them because i thought that i was all grown up and didn't need my parents anymore . BOY WAS I WRONG . Anyway i was driving home from work ( i was working at LORD AND TAYLOR ) and i decided to go visit a friend of mine at work and then go home . I got lost and was on a back road . well it was rainy , cold and dark . I didn't see a stop sign at the top of the hill and I ran it . ( aline and steve and crystal may know what road im talking about ) there was a car coming at me and i knew that i was goign to get hit . so i put my emergancy break on and covered my face . I got this feeling to take off my seat belt . ( i was driving an ford escort wagon and you could have your chest belt on and your lap belt off or visa versa . anyway I was like are you crazy you will die fi hyou take your belt off , but the thought was louder and clearer and i did it . I don't remember the rest all I remember next is I was being life lined to a hospital and the doctors in the helacopter told me that if i would of had my lap belt on i would of died instantly . WOW .
A bunch of stitches later , a brokenn back , a crushed tail bone , and broken pelvic bone im still here . Im in pain most days expecially cold and rainy ones . Pregnancy is my backs worst nightmare but Im alive and i have two beautiful children .
TO think that if i would not of listend to the still small voice I would not of met Jack , I would not of gotten sealed in the temple , I would not know what being a mother is because i would not of had Emilee and Matthew .
Thanks for letting me share .
It was the winter of the year 2000 I had just graduated that summer and though i knew it all . I was living in king of prussia with my aunt and uncle and cousin. ( i was living with them because i thought that i was all grown up and didn't need my parents anymore . BOY WAS I WRONG . Anyway i was driving home from work ( i was working at LORD AND TAYLOR ) and i decided to go visit a friend of mine at work and then go home . I got lost and was on a back road . well it was rainy , cold and dark . I didn't see a stop sign at the top of the hill and I ran it . ( aline and steve and crystal may know what road im talking about ) there was a car coming at me and i knew that i was goign to get hit . so i put my emergancy break on and covered my face . I got this feeling to take off my seat belt . ( i was driving an ford escort wagon and you could have your chest belt on and your lap belt off or visa versa . anyway I was like are you crazy you will die fi hyou take your belt off , but the thought was louder and clearer and i did it . I don't remember the rest all I remember next is I was being life lined to a hospital and the doctors in the helacopter told me that if i would of had my lap belt on i would of died instantly . WOW .
A bunch of stitches later , a brokenn back , a crushed tail bone , and broken pelvic bone im still here . Im in pain most days expecially cold and rainy ones . Pregnancy is my backs worst nightmare but Im alive and i have two beautiful children .
TO think that if i would not of listend to the still small voice I would not of met Jack , I would not of gotten sealed in the temple , I would not know what being a mother is because i would not of had Emilee and Matthew .
Thanks for letting me share .
Monday, December 1, 2008
oh Emilee you are so sweet
Ok since you folks have convinced me to get a tree it has really got me into decorating the house to make it more christmasy ( is that even a word ? ) the other night i put my very simple nativity up and Emi picked up baby jesus and said ma what this . I said that is baby Jesus we have to be careful with him ok . I started explaning christmas ( the real meaning that is , she is already aware of the secular meaning ) in a two year old kind of way . Well Jack said it is time for bed and she gave me her kiss and then started walking upstairs when she came back to the nativity and said Bye baby jesus shhh he sleeping , I Love you Baby Jesus . It brought tears to my eyes . I hope that she always keeps jesus in her heart and loves him . What a great example .
Saturday, November 29, 2008
status of the christmas tree
Well based off of majority vote the morris family did get a christmas tree . It is fake , it is white adn it is small but it is a tree and Emi knows not to touch it . There are no ornaments and i like it like that just lights . It definatly makes the room feel warm and cozy . So there you go guys i did it I got my own christmas tree .
Friday, November 28, 2008
I know I'm a little late but i thought i would journal an experience my family had the other day to show how grateful i am and the spirit of giving during the holidays .
Jack had off on Wed so we went to walmart to look at some things for SANTA to bring the babies for Christmas and get some essentials ( IE shampoo body wash ) .
We were there for two hours and Emilee was starting to get cranky rightfully so . However she began to throw one of the biggest temper tantrums and i was just trying to hurry and finish so we could get out of there . She did something that resulted in a spanking ( yes we spank our children it is mostly used as a last resort . After she received her spank jack sat her down and explained to her what had happened and told her that he still loved her .
This lady who i have no idea who she is walked by and just looked at me and said is that your little girl crying down there , i said yes she said well her father handled that situation very well , i said oh thanks . She said if there were more men like that in this world it would be a happier place . Inside i was like thank you ( i thought i was going to get a lecture on parenting ) She then proceeded to talk to me and asked if she could personally tell Jack how she felt i said sure . She went and found him and was talking to him . And he said thank you and she said GOD BLESS and then Emi says Happy Holidays . She turned around and said Since you guys are such good parents I would like to give you something , I said um OK , she pulled out a 20 dollar bill and said here . Now this lady appeared to not have much and i could not take her money , But the spirit told me it was OK to allow her to commit this act of service . I told her no i didn't want her money and she should keep it and she looked at me and said well her it isn't for you it is for your babies . Go get them something . I took the money and started to cry . What a sweet lady . Now it isn't the money she didn't have to give us anything it was the meaning behind it . I said if there were more people like you in the world it would be a better place . Again i want to express that it was not the money , but the thought . She was so nice , she didn't leave her name or say much more and was happy . Man if i could be like her . I will never forget the short lady at walmart who was so kind .
Have a nice day
Jack had off on Wed so we went to walmart to look at some things for SANTA to bring the babies for Christmas and get some essentials ( IE shampoo body wash ) .
We were there for two hours and Emilee was starting to get cranky rightfully so . However she began to throw one of the biggest temper tantrums and i was just trying to hurry and finish so we could get out of there . She did something that resulted in a spanking ( yes we spank our children it is mostly used as a last resort . After she received her spank jack sat her down and explained to her what had happened and told her that he still loved her .
This lady who i have no idea who she is walked by and just looked at me and said is that your little girl crying down there , i said yes she said well her father handled that situation very well , i said oh thanks . She said if there were more men like that in this world it would be a happier place . Inside i was like thank you ( i thought i was going to get a lecture on parenting ) She then proceeded to talk to me and asked if she could personally tell Jack how she felt i said sure . She went and found him and was talking to him . And he said thank you and she said GOD BLESS and then Emi says Happy Holidays . She turned around and said Since you guys are such good parents I would like to give you something , I said um OK , she pulled out a 20 dollar bill and said here . Now this lady appeared to not have much and i could not take her money , But the spirit told me it was OK to allow her to commit this act of service . I told her no i didn't want her money and she should keep it and she looked at me and said well her it isn't for you it is for your babies . Go get them something . I took the money and started to cry . What a sweet lady . Now it isn't the money she didn't have to give us anything it was the meaning behind it . I said if there were more people like you in the world it would be a better place . Again i want to express that it was not the money , but the thought . She was so nice , she didn't leave her name or say much more and was happy . Man if i could be like her . I will never forget the short lady at walmart who was so kind .
Have a nice day
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Yeah my very first tag . My best friend in the whole wide world Ingerlis ( most of you will know who she is ) tagged me this morning and asked me to give 6 radom things about myself
1. I am obsessed with bleach . I love it , I love the way it smells , and clean everything with it . I mean everything . when the kids were using bottles once a week i would bleach them .
2. I am horrible about making decisions . Any type . It drives most people nuts .
3 I am horrified of thunderstorms . I will turn into a little child any time i hear thunder .it is quite embarassing . if we are in the car and it is thundering i will stay in the car . I told jack that if when i went into labor with my kids and it was storming i would just stay home because i was not walking outside in a storm
4. I am overly protective of my kids . I have gotten a fine of 200 .00 because someone looked at my kids . and i called the cops because the situation got out of hand and was charged with disorderly conduct . ( see im not as angelic as some of you may think ) I can be really nice but when you mess with my kids the mama bear comes out x 10 .
5. I am a martha stewart and rachel ray want to be . I have not become successful at either one of these but am getting better .
6. I am a huge night owl . I will stay up so late and then just crash on the sofa . This irratates my husband to no end .
There you go
I tag
julie smalley
lauren phui
1. I am obsessed with bleach . I love it , I love the way it smells , and clean everything with it . I mean everything . when the kids were using bottles once a week i would bleach them .
2. I am horrible about making decisions . Any type . It drives most people nuts .
3 I am horrified of thunderstorms . I will turn into a little child any time i hear thunder .it is quite embarassing . if we are in the car and it is thundering i will stay in the car . I told jack that if when i went into labor with my kids and it was storming i would just stay home because i was not walking outside in a storm
4. I am overly protective of my kids . I have gotten a fine of 200 .00 because someone looked at my kids . and i called the cops because the situation got out of hand and was charged with disorderly conduct . ( see im not as angelic as some of you may think ) I can be really nice but when you mess with my kids the mama bear comes out x 10 .
5. I am a martha stewart and rachel ray want to be . I have not become successful at either one of these but am getting better .
6. I am a huge night owl . I will stay up so late and then just crash on the sofa . This irratates my husband to no end .
There you go
I tag
julie smalley
lauren phui
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
christmas tree no christmas tree
OK so I have been debating this in my mind for years now . Should i get a tree or not . I despise Christmas trees , they are messy they are expensive , and it is just one more thing to fight with my children about . however my husband and other family members and friends are saying that i should get a tree for the kids . This is my thing , my kids are one and two , would they really know the difference , is it worth it . don't get me wrong i love Christmas and the whole ta do about it i just don't see the point in a tree . Let me know what you all think .

Why is it that when we are teenagers we feel like we know everything and our parents know nothing ? I don't know about you but that is how I was when i was a teenager , I knew it all and My mom knew nothing . That is one thing that makes Jenea ( Sister Fultz for four more weeks Yeah ) and I very very different . Jenea has always been the one to stay on the striaght and narrow where as I was always rocking the chair just to the edge, sometimes i woudl fall and fall hard . Any way tonight my mom and I were grocery shopping for thanksgiving and some other things . It was a huge desicion for me to make whether we were going at night after jack got home or after she was done at work . We finally decided that she would pick me up after work and we would go then with the babies .
Shopping went really well almost to well , no crying no fussing no i wants it was heaven . As we were pulling in to my aparment complex and she said see we have your shopping done and you have all night to do whatever ! I said yeah i know but i really didn't want to take the babies out and deal with them . She said sarah you have two kids and you will have to have them with you for the next 18 years at least so deal with it .
Shopping went really well almost to well , no crying no fussing no i wants it was heaven . As we were pulling in to my aparment complex and she said see we have your shopping done and you have all night to do whatever ! I said yeah i know but i really didn't want to take the babies out and deal with them . She said sarah you have two kids and you will have to have them with you for the next 18 years at least so deal with it .
As most of you know Jack works alot of hours which leaves me with two children alot alone . My next comment was You know sometimes i like to leave Jack with the kids by himself so he can see how it is . Her next comment to me struck me hard she said You need to appreciate where you are at in life and find JOY IN THE JOURNEY .
Man my mom is sooo wise and knows what to say and when to say it . So im making it a goal to find that JOY IN THE JOURNEY , AND APPRECIATE THE TIME I HAVE WITH MY TWO LITTLE KIDS .
I am grateful for them and for all they teach me . I am also grateful for the chance that i get to have them with me all day long
Friday, November 21, 2008
It snowed ! Emilee woke me up this morning to a Mommy it snowed yeah . I was in a deep slumber and peeled open my eyes and said huh oh yeah it SNOWED . Ok people we are only talking about a few inches but in a two year olds eyes it was magnificent . I asked her if she wanted to go out side and she said no it to cold . Now if it was only Christmas . I love the snow .
I love the crisp air ,the crunchiness of the snow ,the excitement in my daughters eyes and the snuggling that my children and husband allow to happen to stay warm .
Also a really good reason to have some really good hot cocoa .
I love the crisp air ,the crunchiness of the snow ,the excitement in my daughters eyes and the snuggling that my children and husband allow to happen to stay warm .
Also a really good reason to have some really good hot cocoa .
Monday, November 17, 2008
i am having no luck with big appliances
OK so now today I'm waiting for maitence to come rip apart my bathroom upstairs . of course it is the bathroom that has the tub and sink and toilet so it has been very interesting . they have to rip the whole toilet up and see what is blocking it . it just over flows for no reason you don't even need to flush it . OH WHAT JOY .
Friday, November 14, 2008
fun at borders
The clan and I were driving to go to target to get Diapers and such when we saw a bus with Glenn beck on it at borders . I had read earlier in the paper that he was going to be at borders at 5 but it was now 630 so i thought it would be to late . While i consider myself a repubocrat ( Dem + rep ) I really like Glenn Beck so in we went and waited for over an hour with our two babies to get a book signed . crazy huh . We cam home and Emi wanted to talk to Gama so we called her and she told my dad and mom and uncle Kenny that she saw Glenn Beck . It was an exciting moment and i learned one thing always remember that double stroller .
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
a night from you know where .
OK so you all are going to laugh at me and that is ok but i still am a little embarrassed by the whole evening maybe i will laugh tomorrow who knows . This morning I went through my whole morning routine , made breakfast cleaned dishes because i was lazy last night , got sippy cups together and went about my day . This afternoon i was getting ready to stick dinner in the crock pot when i discovered that i needed to clean the crock pot so in the dishwasher it goes and i was putting stuff from lunch down the garbage disposal.
All the sudden my feet are soaking wet and dark brown dirty water is pouring out of my cupboards . gross i know , last week Matthew put three Bink's down the toilet so i thought the worse . I called jack in a frantic and he said just let it be he is on his way home .
He came home and just looked at the kitchen and shook his head . See i worked when it was just Emilee so this stuff never happened . Emi and I left Jack to be mister hero and save the day and went grocery shopping . we came back an hour later and it was still a mess . he said you have to call matience .
So i called maitence and pleaded with the lady to send someone tonight , she did
You know what i did . I put rice in the garbage disposal and ruined it . they had to call a plumber and everything . He said since it is the first time they won't charge me but if it happens again I'm looking at a 300 dollar bill . ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .... so now my dishwasher and disposal work but I'm afraid to use them now . i need to clean my kitchen floor man i wish i had a dog . hey Jen can i use yours ?????
Oh well another story in the life of a stay at home mom
Oh yeah i learned that you can use vinegar to clean just about anything even your clothes and they don't come out smelling like vinegar they come out smelling really really clean . just a tip .
Again you can laugh and call me crazy but i don't find any of this funny tonight
All the sudden my feet are soaking wet and dark brown dirty water is pouring out of my cupboards . gross i know , last week Matthew put three Bink's down the toilet so i thought the worse . I called jack in a frantic and he said just let it be he is on his way home .
He came home and just looked at the kitchen and shook his head . See i worked when it was just Emilee so this stuff never happened . Emi and I left Jack to be mister hero and save the day and went grocery shopping . we came back an hour later and it was still a mess . he said you have to call matience .
So i called maitence and pleaded with the lady to send someone tonight , she did
You know what i did . I put rice in the garbage disposal and ruined it . they had to call a plumber and everything . He said since it is the first time they won't charge me but if it happens again I'm looking at a 300 dollar bill . ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .... so now my dishwasher and disposal work but I'm afraid to use them now . i need to clean my kitchen floor man i wish i had a dog . hey Jen can i use yours ?????
Oh well another story in the life of a stay at home mom
Oh yeah i learned that you can use vinegar to clean just about anything even your clothes and they don't come out smelling like vinegar they come out smelling really really clean . just a tip .
Again you can laugh and call me crazy but i don't find any of this funny tonight
Monday, November 10, 2008
gratitude and a new calling
Yesterday had to be one of the busiest Sundays of my life . I was asked last week by my wonderful father to give a talk on gratitude. It was hard to find time to actually sit down without interruptions and write a talk so at 11 30 Saturday night here i was at the computer doing a talk . the topic was on gratitude and it was more difficult than i thought . but i felt i did pretty well till i listened to the other talk and then i thought man my talk was so elementary and primary like oh well .
Speaking of Primary last Sunday i was sitting in what i call the moms club ( out in the hallway with Matthew and i said oh my in Feb Matthew will be in nursery and i could enjoy rs and Sunday school for once . ) wrong wrong wrong i was stopped in the hallway and asked if i could be a primary worker . ahhhhhh . The Lord always does this to me i get a break and he throws something else for me to conquer .
I will be with the 10 and 11 year olds so it should be fun i find that i respond better to older children then younger ones . wish me luck
Speaking of Primary last Sunday i was sitting in what i call the moms club ( out in the hallway with Matthew and i said oh my in Feb Matthew will be in nursery and i could enjoy rs and Sunday school for once . ) wrong wrong wrong i was stopped in the hallway and asked if i could be a primary worker . ahhhhhh . The Lord always does this to me i get a break and he throws something else for me to conquer .
I will be with the 10 and 11 year olds so it should be fun i find that i respond better to older children then younger ones . wish me luck
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Last night Jack and I were having a heck of a time getting Emilee to go to bed . She just wanted to be a big girl like her mommy and stay up late . ( so frustrating ) . She said that she wanted her teddy ( thank goodenss that means she is about to crash ) So Jack said where is teddy???? and Emilee came up to him and held out her arms really wide and said Daddy any ideas ??? We just looked at eachother and shook our heads thinking where did she get this . Oh Emilee you are getting so big and to smart . My how the time goes by , I remember like it was just yesterday I became a new mommy and had my little princess . Now i have both my prince and princess and they aren't babies anymore well they are but i have this horriable habit of getting baby hungry when my kids turn one . Hence how we got matthew so quick .it is amazing how Emilee was the age of matthew now when we brought him home . Oh i need another one . Call me crazy but hey if i have survived 14 months apart what is 2 years .
it is ok you can call me crazy
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I love this time of year , the cold , the smells , the Carmel corn and candy corn and the warm cider . I love the trick or treating ( no not because i get to take my kids candy ) but just the excitement of the cute kids in cute happy costumes ( I'm not a fan of the evil scary costumes ) . This year was the first year we decorated for Halloween and it was fun to hang pumpkin lights and orange lights . To light my pumpkin spice candles . OH what fun .
I'm not a huge fan of summer i don't handle heat well at all so this is my favorite because it is cold . This year is exciting because my sister Jenea comes home in exactly 2 months . oh i can't wait . she is my hero and I love her and can't wait for my kids to meet their aunt nina ( emilee's name for her )
I also like this time of year because it is my anniversary and it makes me reflect on our marriage and love for each other and makes me realize how lucky i really am .
Tonight is our ward talent show and Emilee is going to sing popcorn popping , the other day we were practicing and Matthew started doing the actions in his own little one year old way . it was sooo stinking cute . video will follow if we are successful.
Enjoy the cold and the warm love that family gives us .
I'm not a huge fan of summer i don't handle heat well at all so this is my favorite because it is cold . This year is exciting because my sister Jenea comes home in exactly 2 months . oh i can't wait . she is my hero and I love her and can't wait for my kids to meet their aunt nina ( emilee's name for her )
I also like this time of year because it is my anniversary and it makes me reflect on our marriage and love for each other and makes me realize how lucky i really am .
Tonight is our ward talent show and Emilee is going to sing popcorn popping , the other day we were practicing and Matthew started doing the actions in his own little one year old way . it was sooo stinking cute . video will follow if we are successful.
Enjoy the cold and the warm love that family gives us .
Monday, October 13, 2008
things im greatful for
This past weekend i went to Time Out For Women in philly and I had a wonderful time . There was a lady there Emily Watts ( i think that was her last name ) and she gave a talk on feeling like a guilty mom . I have felt like this so many times and her talk was what i needed to hear .
Anyway i thought i would just say what im grateful for in this post
I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the role it plays in my life and my familes life
I am grateful for my parents who even through the hard times have been one of my major supporters
I am grateful for my children Matthew and Emi who forgive me every day for my shortcummings and love me unconditionally
I am grateful for my husband who works so hard to support his family and who ALWAYS makes his family number one
Thanks babe
Iam grateful for my friends who are so loving and who are not judgemental of my families shortcummings
I am grateful for the chance to be a stay at home mom , i think it is sad in todays world how some women really put that down . ( I am in no way shape or form putting down moms who work staying at home is hard and is not for ever one .
I am grateful for this country we live in while it is having some issues at this point we are still free
I am grateful for temples and the peace they bring to us ,
This weekend showed me how important our purpose as mothers is and how we need to cherish it , Heavenly father trusts us with his children and we need to love and teach them in this crazy depressing world
Anyway i thought i would just say what im grateful for in this post
I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the role it plays in my life and my familes life
I am grateful for my parents who even through the hard times have been one of my major supporters
I am grateful for my children Matthew and Emi who forgive me every day for my shortcummings and love me unconditionally
I am grateful for my husband who works so hard to support his family and who ALWAYS makes his family number one
Thanks babe
Iam grateful for my friends who are so loving and who are not judgemental of my families shortcummings
I am grateful for the chance to be a stay at home mom , i think it is sad in todays world how some women really put that down . ( I am in no way shape or form putting down moms who work staying at home is hard and is not for ever one .
I am grateful for this country we live in while it is having some issues at this point we are still free
I am grateful for temples and the peace they bring to us ,
This weekend showed me how important our purpose as mothers is and how we need to cherish it , Heavenly father trusts us with his children and we need to love and teach them in this crazy depressing world
Friday, October 3, 2008
Our little princess has entered the world of biting . And i have tried everything to get her to stop . I have tried gently biting her back , i have tried time out , i have tried losing a toy every time she bites ( the other day she lost 7 toys ) and nothing i mean NOTHING is working . So all you moms out there with toddlers which i believe is all of you that read this . please please give me some suggestions , poor matthew has marks all over him . Thanx
Thursday, October 2, 2008
4 years
Wow i can't believe that Jack and I have already hit four years of marriage . He is so wonderful and loving and hardworking . Tonight we had a chance to go out just the two of us which is a rareity because of his work schedule . he was so sweet to go to eat dinner and see a movie after working all day and leaving for work at 3 in the morning . What a stud i have . We saw Fireproof and i highly recommend the movie it was clean and real . it was about marriage and the importance of for better or for worse . It was so nice to see jack and mines life recently in a movie . as most of you know this past year has been HARD but we made it and if we can make it through that we can make it through anything
J= joyful.
C= cute , caring ,
K= kind
M = motivated to make his family work and strong
O = open minded
R = respectful
R = romantic
I = intelligent
S = can i say this sexy oopps
Jack October 1 2004 was one of the happiest days of my life the next would be when we were sealed and the day that our 2 beautiful children were born
We are the luckiest to have you as our husband and father
I love you with all my heart and you are my world , my strength and my being
I love you Baby
J= joyful.
C= cute , caring ,
K= kind
M = motivated to make his family work and strong
O = open minded
R = respectful
R = romantic
I = intelligent
S = can i say this sexy oopps
Jack October 1 2004 was one of the happiest days of my life the next would be when we were sealed and the day that our 2 beautiful children were born
We are the luckiest to have you as our husband and father
I love you with all my heart and you are my world , my strength and my being
I love you Baby
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Kids say the cutest things
This morning my kids were watching tv in my room because i was to lazy to get up yet . ( Hey it happens ) anyway Emilee was doing something with Matthew and i calmly said no Emi that isn't nice . She got all whiney and said momma i want kennys mommy. ( for of you who don't knwo ) Kenny is my younger brother who is away at school at slippery rock . it was so funny. I tried to explain to her that Kenny's mommy is Grandma and she said no I want Kenny's Mommy . Oh not a battle i chose to fight
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
im off to NC
I am going to NC for two weeks with my two little ones to help out with my cousin and her three little boys ( all 5 children are under the age of 5 mine and hers ) It will be interesting . I love her boys and they play so well with Matthew and Emilee . Plus i need to get away from PA for a while . Anyone have any ideas on how to entertain a two year old and a one yearold for 6 hours to the military base she lives on .
Saturday, September 6, 2008

I got to go to the temple today . My wonderful husband stayed home to watch the babies while I went to the temple . It is always a wonderful experience and I learn something new every time . It is such a wonderful blessing we have to have a temple where we can feel so close to heaven . it really puts things into perspective and what is really important.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
nap vs no nap
I think i have come to the very unfortunate moment of Emilee not needing naps anymore . Her nap time is priceless and very important to me . However Emilee has decided to start staying up until 11 11 30 and then still waking up at 7 . yuch yuch yuch. So today she has not had a nap and she is absoultley miserable and im not able to get anything done . Matthew has also been sick with a cold or allergy to grass and so he is miserable as well . So my question friends is do i push the naps considering she is only two and deal with the late nights or do i unfortunetly give up the naps and deal with a miserable two year old who will probably not go to bed much earlier anyway .
Friday, August 29, 2008

I love this part of the day when they both look like this . Don't they look so innocent ! This is when i can finally take my mom hat off for a minute and be sarah ( actually this is when i get all my house work done ) from the last post i have decided that i should take care of the kids when they are awake and then when they go to sleep turn the music on loud and get to cleaning . Makes for a late night but i need my quiet time .
sshhhhhTuesday, August 26, 2008
OK I need some suggestions
This is for all you somewhat organized scheduled people . How do you balance playing with your kids , teaching your kids , taking care of your kids , and cleaning or keeping your house clean . I always feel like Iam neglecting someone or something all the time . These couple of weeks have been very stressful and I don't really like the type of mom that Im being ( always stressed ) If any of you have any suggestions please let me know .
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
My baby is walking
Just thought that I would let everyone know that Matthew is walking and climbing . So we are having a whole bunch of new adventures . If my foot wasn't killing me ( see last post ) I would be a little more ok with this .
Sunday at 1 in the morning Matthew decided he needed to wake me up . I climbed out of bed and went to stand up to go get him and my leg completely fell out from under me and down I went . I honestly thought i broke my leg . All i heard was crack pop crack pop . I stood up and relized that i ddin't break my leg and got back into bed . I then had the worst pain shoot up from my foot to my leg possible . the next day i couldn't walk on it . ( not a good thing when you have toddlers ) So i called my doc and he said ice it and stay off of it . I said you seem to forget that I have two toddlers none of those things are an option . Today i woke up and my foot was still really hurting me so I called the doc and they brought me in . I didn't sprain it I didn't break it completely however i did crack each and every little bone that connects your toes to your main foot . OUCH OUCH OUCH . and the worst part of it is there is nothing they can or will do . except for me to ice it and stay off of it .
Again not an option
So my foot hurts and my house is a disaster . Once again the joys of motherhood
Again not an option
So my foot hurts and my house is a disaster . Once again the joys of motherhood
Why is it that when you leave the room for two minutes things always go crazy ? Friday night I just got done cleaning up dinner and Jack was off to walmart again ( one more weekend and he is done ) so i left to go to the bathroom which is right around the corner from the kitchen . I noticed that it was to quiet so i gave my children the benefit of the doubt and figured that hey are just being good little children . HA HA HA was I ever wrong , I walked out of the kitchen and had this huge aroma of soap hit my nose . I turned the corner and what do i see a BIG BOTTLE OF CASCADE yes that is right dishwasher soap in the hands of my sweet little Emilee , Matthew looking like he just got a shampoo from a salon and my floor covered in formula and CASCADE . oh my goodness . I was so angry and then to top it off my sweet little adorable Emilee says Yook Momma I Clean . I had to turn the corner and laugh so she wouldn't think that i found it funny . Oh the joys of motherhood while i don't recommend it Cascade does wonders in cleaning your floors .
Thursday, August 7, 2008
The Morris Family
I have had this blog for a while and I don't think that I have ever really introduced the Morris Family. While most of us know who we are I will give a little more detail of our personalities.
Jack is 38 yrs old and the father and main provider for our home . He is a hard worker and tries to do his best with what he does . He is currently working two jobs one which he works an average of 60 hours a week so needless to say we don't see him very much however he does make sure that he spends some time with us when he is home sometimes it is 1 in the morning or he now has the kids waking up before he leaves so they get to see him . He is also the father of Brittany and Jack Ryan ( they are his children from a previous marriage more on them in a little bit ) Jack loves NORTH CAROLINA TARHEELS AND NORTH CAROLINA PERIOD. He also loves the Dallas Cowboys and NASCAR. Jack has had so many trials in his life and has very many interesting stories . He has come from places I'm not sure if i would of ever made it through . ( I'm not going to give specifics but most of you know most of the story . )
Sarah ( that is me ) Is a Stay at home mom , and while i love the fact that I get to stay home with my children on a daily basis I will admit I struggle with it most of the time . I am a very strong willed and I have been told High Matience person. How ever I love people and find it easy for me to start up a conversation with anyone . I love to read and music. I love to bake and I'm learning on how to be a little domesticated. I am the mother of two beautiful children Emilee and Matthew ages 1 and 2 so needless to say I am very busy. I like to have plan and a schedule . ( not always a good thing ) I love the gospel and know that it is true and I do not know what I would do with out it or where my children and I would be . I am the oldest of four children and while I am the oldest my younger siblings have taught me so much . I love my family and hope that I can be more like them everyday. (Oh yeah I'm 26)
While Brittany is not my Biological child I love her like my own and want the best for her . She is a happy beautiful 17 year old . She lives in Va and we miss her dearly. She knows what she wants and lets you know how she feels . She is a great big sister to Emilee and Matthew . I can not believe she is 17 already and will be going to college in a couple of years . my how time flies she was only 12 when i met her
Jack Ryan
While Jack Ryan is also not my Biological child I love him like my own . Jack Ryan is Jacks son he is 16 ( when I met him he was only 10 turning 11) he loves football and baseball. He is a big caring loving boy. Who when he is here knows how to have a good time . He also loves the Dallas Cowboys and just wants people to be happy . ( LISA you did a great job wit these two beautiful teenagers )
Emilee Grace Ann
Em is my first child and is 2 years old . She makes life very fun and happy and interesting . she loves her babies and loves to be outside to blow bubbles . She loves Elmo and her teddy . Her favorite song is Pop Corn Popping on the Apricot Tree. She loves Nursery and her Nursery friends . Now all we need to do is try to go to the bathroom ( more on my part then hers ) She loves to look for the moon every day .
Last but not least
Matthew David Lee
<:AtomicElement>Matthew just turned one the other day . ( see my last post ) He is a happy little boy. He hardly ever cries unless it is eating time . THIS BOY LOVES HIS FOOD . He is laid back and just wants to spend time with his sister Emilee . He is however a mamma's boy. ( I don't mind that at all ) While he had some health problems when he was a baby ie RSV and breathing problems he is healthy now . We only have one doctor now that is really exciting . He loves his friends that he plays with during Sunday school .
<:AtomicElement>He keeps me very busy
<:AtomicElement>I hope you got a quick glimpse of my cute family . I love being a mom and I love my family , they are my world love and life .
Jack is 38 yrs old and the father and main provider for our home . He is a hard worker and tries to do his best with what he does . He is currently working two jobs one which he works an average of 60 hours a week so needless to say we don't see him very much however he does make sure that he spends some time with us when he is home sometimes it is 1 in the morning or he now has the kids waking up before he leaves so they get to see him . He is also the father of Brittany and Jack Ryan ( they are his children from a previous marriage more on them in a little bit ) Jack loves NORTH CAROLINA TARHEELS AND NORTH CAROLINA PERIOD. He also loves the Dallas Cowboys and NASCAR. Jack has had so many trials in his life and has very many interesting stories . He has come from places I'm not sure if i would of ever made it through . ( I'm not going to give specifics but most of you know most of the story . )
Sarah ( that is me ) Is a Stay at home mom , and while i love the fact that I get to stay home with my children on a daily basis I will admit I struggle with it most of the time . I am a very strong willed and I have been told High Matience person. How ever I love people and find it easy for me to start up a conversation with anyone . I love to read and music. I love to bake and I'm learning on how to be a little domesticated. I am the mother of two beautiful children Emilee and Matthew ages 1 and 2 so needless to say I am very busy. I like to have plan and a schedule . ( not always a good thing ) I love the gospel and know that it is true and I do not know what I would do with out it or where my children and I would be . I am the oldest of four children and while I am the oldest my younger siblings have taught me so much . I love my family and hope that I can be more like them everyday. (Oh yeah I'm 26)
While Brittany is not my Biological child I love her like my own and want the best for her . She is a happy beautiful 17 year old . She lives in Va and we miss her dearly. She knows what she wants and lets you know how she feels . She is a great big sister to Emilee and Matthew . I can not believe she is 17 already and will be going to college in a couple of years . my how time flies she was only 12 when i met her
Jack Ryan
While Jack Ryan is also not my Biological child I love him like my own . Jack Ryan is Jacks son he is 16 ( when I met him he was only 10 turning 11) he loves football and baseball. He is a big caring loving boy. Who when he is here knows how to have a good time . He also loves the Dallas Cowboys and just wants people to be happy . ( LISA you did a great job wit these two beautiful teenagers )
Emilee Grace Ann
Em is my first child and is 2 years old . She makes life very fun and happy and interesting . she loves her babies and loves to be outside to blow bubbles . She loves Elmo and her teddy . Her favorite song is Pop Corn Popping on the Apricot Tree. She loves Nursery and her Nursery friends . Now all we need to do is try to go to the bathroom ( more on my part then hers ) She loves to look for the moon every day .
Last but not least
Matthew David Lee
<:AtomicElement>Matthew just turned one the other day . ( see my last post ) He is a happy little boy. He hardly ever cries unless it is eating time . THIS BOY LOVES HIS FOOD . He is laid back and just wants to spend time with his sister Emilee . He is however a mamma's boy. ( I don't mind that at all ) While he had some health problems when he was a baby ie RSV and breathing problems he is healthy now . We only have one doctor now that is really exciting . He loves his friends that he plays with during Sunday school .
<:AtomicElement>He keeps me very busy
<:AtomicElement>I hope you got a quick glimpse of my cute family . I love being a mom and I love my family , they are my world love and life .
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Oh wow this year has flown by , My baby is 1 . I can't believe it ! I get so sad when my babies turn one for some reason they get really dependant when they reach one and I am not needed anymore ! ( well I'm always needed but not as much ) I'm defiantly a newborn girl . He is so big and getting into everything climbing everything eating everything . There have been some babies born in our ward and I have been somewhat jealous i love newborns . No no more babies yet . ( I would like 2 more ) But in due time . Anyway I love my Matthew . He is so sweet and lovable and he is my special little man ( most of you have heard this story so i will not rehash it ) The lord defiantly knows what is best for us , Matthew could not of been born at a better time . well this year was full of alot of excitement and Emilee has done so well adjusting to her brother they are now best friends . If they are not sleeping at the same time then the one that is awake is sad and doesn't know what to do . HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATTHEW
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Hello friends the morris family has moved to thier own home ! While it is a little overwhelming it feels nice to be in my own home . We are renting a cute little townhouse . now all i have to do is put it to gether and figure out how to keep matthew from going up the stairs . but we will see . he has figured out how to knock down gates and climb up them . Also Emilee and Matthew are obsessed and let me say it again obsessed with tolet water and toliet paper . Matthew sits on the floor and whines until Emilee opens the door and puts the toliet seat up . Kids are to smart these days . any suggestions . Why is it that kids do not like to play with there toys . So friends wish us luck as we put toget her our new home . this is harder than i thought .
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
This weekend had to have been the best weekend I have had in a long time ! On Thursday the whole Fultz/ Morris and girlfriends of my brothers went to the circus , while it was fun i do have to say that Emilee is still a little to young and had a hard time . But such is the life of a two year old ! Saturday My husband had to work but only till 10 so that was fun . On Sunday my step children Brittany and Jack Ryan and Brittany's boyfriend came to visit . we had a blast . That is the first time Emilee has seen them to where she could really enjoy there company. Jack Ryan was a good Big Brother and played baseball with his little sister . And it was so nice to have them around . I will post pictures when i get them on our computer . WE MISS YOU GUYS COME AND VISIT AGAIN !
Monday was nice because Jack had off work until 5 pm ( that never happens ) so we spent some much needed family time . Now we are just waiting to hear back from an apartment complex so friends please pray for us .
Monday was nice because Jack had off work until 5 pm ( that never happens ) so we spent some much needed family time . Now we are just waiting to hear back from an apartment complex so friends please pray for us .
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I feel really bad about my last post ..... SO I thought I would do a Happy Post . My mothers day was awesome . I got to sleep in till 6 30 with Matthew next to me . Then I woke up and my dad was making eggs to order ( for those of you who don't know my dad is an awesome chef by profession) and then him and Jack and Kenny and Samuel cleaned up breakfast while my mom and I just sat there and watched and then decided we needed to get a shower . For Mothers Day I got P.S. I love you . now I'm only waiting for my husband to watch it with me . and also the Book What to expect the toddler years . I have been into reading lately Jack said that book should last me a couple of months ( I'm a slow reader ) Then at church Jack changed Emi's diapers and took Matthew to Priesthood with him ( male class at church ) so i could sit and listen to Relief Society without any distractions ( women's class ) . My mom was teaching and she did a really nice job, I love it when she teaches . She is absolutely wonderful . Then we came home from church and my brother Kenny got Emilee changed and My wonderful husband made Lunch ( hot ham and cheese ) and then i went to take a nap . then for dinner my Dad made crab cakes asparagus and corn and stuffed mushrooms and again my mom and Cheri and I got to sit and watch the dinner get cleaned up . we then had Brownies done by Chad Rumsey and then it was off to bed . It was absolutely wonderful spending the time with family and friends and being able to just relax .
I also just found out that my Step daughter Brittany wants to come and visit her dad and the babies . She hasn't seen Emilee since Last Easter and has never met her brother Matthew . I love Brittany and can't wait to see her again . We miss you Brittany. Her Brother Jack Ryan might be coming with her we love him to he hasn't seen Emilee since last Easter and has never met Matthew who i seriously think looks like him Everyone thinks he looks like my brother Samuel but i was only 10 when Samuel was a baby so i don't remember .
Miss you Jack Ryan and Brittany , Can't wait to see you
I also just found out that my Step daughter Brittany wants to come and visit her dad and the babies . She hasn't seen Emilee since Last Easter and has never met her brother Matthew . I love Brittany and can't wait to see her again . We miss you Brittany. Her Brother Jack Ryan might be coming with her we love him to he hasn't seen Emilee since last Easter and has never met Matthew who i seriously think looks like him Everyone thinks he looks like my brother Samuel but i was only 10 when Samuel was a baby so i don't remember .
Miss you Jack Ryan and Brittany , Can't wait to see you
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
I completely believe in the terriable two's . However i am completely lost when it comes to handling Emilee. Everyone says she is good when she is with them . ( I know emilee is generally a pretty good little girl and i am very lucky for that ) But i feel like she is completely out of ocntrol. I know some what of a schedule and structuree is supposed to work however iwth one car it is hard . We can't go to playgroup anymore we can't go to the store or the park . it is here in the house or the back yard . I think she is BORED So do any of you have any ideas . I mean i really look forward to nap time because that is one hour where i don't have to " deal with her " Don't get me wrong i love Emilee to peices she is my world but i just htink we are spinning out of control . Thanks for letting me vent
Monday, May 12, 2008
Yesterday was wonderful because I got to speak to my Sister who is on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Roseville California . Jenea and I have not always been close but now that we have both " grown up " a little bit i think we will be good friends when she comes home . It was so great to hear Emilee talk to her Aunt Nea . When Jenea left Emilee could not talk or walk . ( Boy is Jenea in for a surprise when she gets home ) I love my sister for her testimony her kindness and her willing to love and serve anyone . She is such a great Example to me and I look up to her so much . even though she is my baby sister she has taught me many things . Her faith and trust in the Lord is amazing . And she likes everyone and everyone likes her ... I odn't think I have ever met someone who didn't like Jenea .
Thursday, May 8, 2008
I have the best job in the world . 24 hours 7 days a week i get to play, teach , and hang out with the two cutest kids ever . ( to all my readers your kids are cute to these to are just mine so im a little partial ) We cry we laugh we fight but we always love . There is absoulutely nothing else i wold rather do than be the mother to Matthew and Emilee and the stepmother to Brittany and Jack ryan , my favorite teenagers in the world , I know we havn't seen eachother in while but know that I love you guys just as well and your cute to . hey we also fight cry but always love . yes i know im only 25 and have teenage stepchildren but i call them my friends . I love having brittany because when she is here number one she is great with Emilee ( Brittany you will make a wonderful mother some day ) and also she is my shopping buddy . Jackryan is wonderful with Emilee and is an excellant big brother . How lucky Emilee is to have two boys look out for her . Jack ryan is so laid back and easy going and is always trying to just have fun . So what is motherhood well it is a very tiring not always appreciative job , but also the best job in the world . I think it is absolutley amazing that Heavenly Father has trusted these two sweet spirits to me . He is one brave guy . All i can say is im doing the best i can right now . My children are my heros . They are what keeps me going every day . If it wasn't for them I would be lost and really down. When i was having my rough time someone told me that without me my kids would have nothing . and from that moment on i knew that i needed to get up every day and be happy and keep things normal for Emilee . They are what i live for . Without theem i woudl have nothing . I love my husband as well and he is everthing to me also . Just something abotu the love for your children . I know that im not the best mom in the world but with the punches i have been thrown all i can say is Emilee and Matthew Mommy is doing her best and She loves you with all her heart and soul
My 1st Baby
Where has the time gone . My little Emilee will be TWO on Monday. This past week I have been in deep thought about her and how sweet her spirit really is and how lucky I am to have her call me her mommy. I will never forget that night that she was brought into this world . It was scary and amazing all at the same time . So this post is dedicated to my wonderful daughter Emilee whom I love with all my heart . ( im such a sappy mom Im crying as i type this blog ) Some of our famous Emileeisms are
After she bumps into something she says oh sorry. if you ask her to do anything she says why. If you sneeze emilee will say bless . Today on the way home from running some arrends she kept saying go outside and i said when it stops raining because the weather man said it was going to rain all day today . well we pulled in the driveway and Emilee says yook momma stop raining play outside . I was stuck what am i going to do now . it was muddy yucky and cold so i said no she hated me for a little bit but is now napping . Elmo is emilee's hero next to teddy . She talks to that bear and puts him in time out . I am so grateful for teddy . Elmo is her favorite little guy she knows when he is on and what movie is what . SO emilee HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU . I LOVE YOU AND AM SO HAPPY TO CALL YOU MY DAUGHTER . STAY HAPPY AND STRONG . YOU ARE A GREAT BLESSING . I LOVE YOU
After she bumps into something she says oh sorry. if you ask her to do anything she says why. If you sneeze emilee will say bless . Today on the way home from running some arrends she kept saying go outside and i said when it stops raining because the weather man said it was going to rain all day today . well we pulled in the driveway and Emilee says yook momma stop raining play outside . I was stuck what am i going to do now . it was muddy yucky and cold so i said no she hated me for a little bit but is now napping . Elmo is emilee's hero next to teddy . She talks to that bear and puts him in time out . I am so grateful for teddy . Elmo is her favorite little guy she knows when he is on and what movie is what . SO emilee HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU . I LOVE YOU AND AM SO HAPPY TO CALL YOU MY DAUGHTER . STAY HAPPY AND STRONG . YOU ARE A GREAT BLESSING . I LOVE YOU
Monday, May 5, 2008
SO when is my life going to get better ????
Ok time for a little complaining . Lately it has seemed that everytime i take one step forward i take two or more steps back . Granted i know there is always ALWAYS someone who has it worse then i do however these past eight months have been stressful for all parties involved . The Morris family was supposed to move this past weekend and everything was just going wrong . My dad landed in the hospital for some heart pains . ( my mom wasn't kidding when she said that he works way to hard ) and our one and only car needed some major work , water pump , and thermostat . My wonderful husband seriously worked on that thing for a week while still going to work . My wonderful dad came to the rescue once again and helped jack fix it because it was going to cost us almost 500 dollars to fix that i told jack maybe he should be come a mechanic , they make some good money . Im grateful that i have parents who do let me live in there house for free and let my children leave there stuff everywhere however ij ust need my own space . Please pray for us friends and hope that we get somewhere to live .
Friday, April 25, 2008
Some one wonderful once told me that your mood and your way of feeling is all about your thoughts. So since this morning has been a rough morning i would like to list 10 things im happy or thankful for and see if that helps . This isn't easy for me to do so here we go .
1. My little matthew slept from 7 to 3am and then from 3 to 7.
2. Emilee slept through the night and was somewhat happy this morning
3. We went for a almost successful walk today . we had to turn around because emilee was not liking matthew and was quite cranky.
4.This beutiful weather that allows me to go outside with my children
5. My double stroller which if it wasn't for this Walks twice a day would not be possible . okay anything is possible buti t wouldn't be as wonderful .
6. the hard wood floors that my parents are putting in it makes for a easy clean up .
7. ELMO . Elmo is a quick fix to anything .
8. TEDDY will almost end all temper tantrums
9.My wonderful husband who deals with me while im having some serious PMS
10. The fact that we are MOVING in one week and i will have my own house and my own space .
Ok im feeling alot better
1. My little matthew slept from 7 to 3am and then from 3 to 7.
2. Emilee slept through the night and was somewhat happy this morning
3. We went for a almost successful walk today . we had to turn around because emilee was not liking matthew and was quite cranky.
4.This beutiful weather that allows me to go outside with my children
5. My double stroller which if it wasn't for this Walks twice a day would not be possible . okay anything is possible buti t wouldn't be as wonderful .
6. the hard wood floors that my parents are putting in it makes for a easy clean up .
7. ELMO . Elmo is a quick fix to anything .
8. TEDDY will almost end all temper tantrums
9.My wonderful husband who deals with me while im having some serious PMS
10. The fact that we are MOVING in one week and i will have my own house and my own space .
Ok im feeling alot better
Thursday, April 17, 2008
My Wife id the greatest:)
Don't you know that I spend soo much time at work (two Jobs), I can always come home to my beautiful wife smiling and waiting up for me. You cannot imagine what that makes me feel like. I leave for work at 7:00 in the morning and I don't get home until anywhere from 10:30 - 12:30 and she is always waiting up to talk to me. She always has the kids in bed and the room cleaned up, Trust me, the room being clean means ALOT. I Love her soooooooo Much and I miss her just as much during the day. I Love You Sarah, See U Tonight.
Jack Lee
Jack Lee
Saturday, April 12, 2008
THE MORRIS ARE MOVING ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK so our prayers have been answered and we have found a place of our own to live in . I'm so excited i even said to Jack I can't wait to use my new vacuum cleaner in my OWN house . Now i just need some decorating ideas . This house is beautiful it has three floors a basement and i will or should i say my kids will have their play room . So we can have play group at my new house soon . It is three bedrooms it has three cute little doors that lead outside and a door on the side that you can drive up to with groceries or sleeping babies . I'm sooo excited can't you tell . The move date is set for May 3. oh wow i need to pack , not alot though because most of our stuff is in storage and we have lived without it for 8 months so it is getting thrown away. Yeah I'm sooo happy .
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
TODAY is one of those days . I greeted Emilee with a Good Morning how are you and she greeted me with a NO LET ME GO . She has tried to strangle matthew , matthew has been locked in a closet and she has informed me today no nap . She then runs off with the phone as im talking to my husband who by the way today will not be home till 10 30 11. and she runs off with the phone for some privacy . what two year old needs privacy ( wait i still have a month of almost two ) Why do these cute little people need to be sooooo nasty sometimes. Emilees problem is she is to smart for her own good . The other day i came out of my bedroom and she was sitting there watching tv with a sippy of milk that i put in the fridge the night before . ( thanks for the sleep em ) she knows how to run the vcr and tape player . SCARY . Our kids grow up to fast .
My Matthew on the other hand has just been putting up with his sister but gives me this look ever now and then like are you going to save me or doesn't she need to sleep sometime todya mom .
such is life .
Don't get me wrong i love my babies and would want to do nothing more than what im already doing .
Thank you Jack for being the awesome husband that you are in working so hard to let me enjoy my babies every day . You are the best .
My Matthew on the other hand has just been putting up with his sister but gives me this look ever now and then like are you going to save me or doesn't she need to sleep sometime todya mom .
such is life .
Don't get me wrong i love my babies and would want to do nothing more than what im already doing .
Thank you Jack for being the awesome husband that you are in working so hard to let me enjoy my babies every day . You are the best .
Monday, April 7, 2008
I love General COnference.
General Conference did not go like i thought it would . On Saturday my children allowed me to listen to the conference which i was grateful for. On Sunday Morning i prayed that i would be able to use the talks given for my benefit . I was listening to every talk but two really popped out at me . Elder Bednars talk on Prayer was amazing , how many times do we just pray a checklist or wish list . I know I'm severely guilty of that . and Elder Hollands talk on Mothers was WONDERFUL I have been feeling very inadequate and wondering if what I'm doing is important . And hearing that they the general authorities understand made me feel wonderful and then to have Emilee fold her arms and close her eyes and say ' AMEN " During Prayer made me really appreciate the fact that Heavenly Father trusts ME with his two beautiful children . Wow what an awesome responsibility and honor .
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Thanks to the talents of my younger brother Samuel . And again my most wonderful husband for babysitting our two children so i could get a sanity uplift . I got to go see Central Dauphins High Schools Musical the Sound of Music . I LOVE THAT MOVIE . It is my ultimate favorite . Anyway it was so cool to see Yammy ( sorry Samuel ) do something wonderful , it was also nice to see a group of teenagers doing something positive . With all the negative you hear about teens and the world that was definitely great . I also learned that i need to start going to bed early . I didn't get to bed till 12 30 and man was I a nasty mommy this morning . Oh well such is life i guess . I'm going to be here by myself for most of the day so we will see how much conference i retain this afternoon. Thank goodness the Lord understands the intentions of our hearts . And thank goodness for the Ensign and DVDs
Thursday, April 3, 2008
status of reward jar
Emilee has taken to the reward jar very well ,the only thing is she doesn't want to put the object in the jar ( smiley or frowning face ) but she knows what is going on . because when you show her a frowning face she says bad . This has kind of reminded me of the atonement and repentance process . If Emilee does something huge like bite or hit or spit she gets two frowning faces and a time out . if she does the time out successfully only crying ( since i can not tell her to not have feelings ) then i will take one of the frowning faces away and replace it with a smiley face . cheesy i know but it is things you think of when you have toddlers .
Im going try this one .
I keep forgetting my password and even my blogname ( maybe i should write it down ) i did this time . I figured i would try to start blogging and see how it goes . I have really enjoyed reading my friends blogs . Life in Emilee and Matts world has been crazy . I am a stay at home mom for most days from 6 in the morning till 10 30 11 at night . My husband jack has taken on a second job so that i would be able to stay home iwth my babies . Emilee Grace Ann Morris age 2 ( will be two in May ) and Matthew David Lee Morris 8 months . I love my children but they challenge me every day . Matthew has just started to crawl and get around very well . Emilee has hit the terrible twos and boy are they terrible . I cry she crys . I need some help with discipline as nothing i have tried helps or works . i have done 123 magic she does not respond , i have tried time outs , i am now trying a reward jar to see if that works . If any of you have suggestions please please im begging you let me know . My peditrician says Now sarah some tantrums are like forest fires and just need to burn man i love Dr baker . Granted my childrens world hs been flipped upside down so i can't get to upset over the craziness ( most of you know our situation ) We are living with my parents and man do i want my own place and im sure my parents want me to have our own place . We only have one vehicle so im here all the time . But hey it could of been alot worse really alot worse . Man i love my family . and i always have to let myself know that there is Someone who always has it worse then i do . I am so grateful for friends like Julie Smalley and Darin tandberg and Lauren who are there to talk to for helping me out . I will be a playgroup sometime . We just got over chicken pox , I took matthew for his well check visit and we found ou that both yes BOTH babies have chicken pox . Well let me know what you think and also give me some suggestions .
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