Last night Jack and I were having a heck of a time getting Emilee to go to bed . She just wanted to be a big girl like her mommy and stay up late . ( so frustrating ) . She said that she wanted her teddy ( thank goodenss that means she is about to crash ) So Jack said where is teddy???? and Emilee came up to him and held out her arms really wide and said Daddy any ideas ??? We just looked at eachother and shook our heads thinking where did she get this . Oh Emilee you are getting so big and to smart . My how the time goes by , I remember like it was just yesterday I became a new mommy and had my little princess . Now i have both my prince and princess and they aren't babies anymore well they are but i have this horriable habit of getting baby hungry when my kids turn one . Hence how we got matthew so quick .it is amazing how Emilee was the age of matthew now when we brought him home . Oh i need another one . Call me crazy but hey if i have survived 14 months apart what is 2 years .
it is ok you can call me crazy
Woah! Slow down! Are you sure you are ready for another one? Taryn is 3 1/2 and I do not want another one! What ever you decide, i will be here for you. i will be by your side in church helping you to care for all the kids. By the way, Friday is fine for us for dinner. I usually get home about 5:15-5:20. Wahta re you thinking of having and what can we contribute?
That is ok about Friday. We'll do it another day. Unfortunately I am not able to go to Shady Maple. i am taking my Social Work Licensing exam Saturday from 9-130. Lucky me. Talk to ya soon.
I was not upset at all about you telling Taryn to wait until after bread and water. She has no patience what-so-ever and it is good for her to have to wait. I am looking forward to hearing you speak on Sunday. I will help with Em and Matt if you would like.
CRAZY!! jk you are right 2 years will be nothing compared to 14 mo.. Oh the joys of little girls.. haha
you're not crazy, just a mom that realizes how fast time goes by. good for you for documenting your cute kids so well. i like looking at your blog. it's easy to relate with you.
I think it is great that you want more kids. Believe me, if I was able to have all that I want I probably would have about 7 by now! Time does go by so fast. I can't believe Christian is almost 9 years old. Do you remember the first time you tried to babysit him when we first moved to Harrisburg? I can't believe you now have two kids of your own. Wow, time flies when you are having fun!
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