Monday, February 9, 2009

IM BACK !!!!!!!!!!!

Ok it has been forever since i have last blogged , however morning sickness ( i don't know why they tease us it isn't just morning sickness it is all day sickness ) has taken over all my functioning for the last couple weeks , my house is a disaster , my kids look like raggamuffins , and i just don't care ok well maybe i care but i can't care . I swear this little baby is a girl , just from past experiences . with Emilees preg i was miserable for all 39 weeks , i hated being preg , i was nasty miserable . With matthews preg , it was wonderful , i felt cute , i felt awesome not sick except some mornings . thsi preg is miserable now it may be becuase i have two little ones to chase around but it is still miserable and to think im only 12 - 13 weeks ugghhhh . So how has the morris family been . Well Jack is at work and then home and then at work , Im either in bed or on the sofa or cooking the kids something to eat . Emilee is growing up so fast and has really shown her personality lately and thanks to my mom and sister she is 90 % potty trained . Matthew started nursery two sundays ago and absoultley HATES IT . it is prob ably because he is such a scheduled little guy and his nap time is 11 which is nursery time . or it could be that he is just not a trusting social little guy and would much rather be with me or grandma . Well that is all for now time to go lay down again im miserable .

Anyone have any suggestions for a cold for a prego women .


Inger-Lis said...

I think I would like my next pregnancy to be cute and unsick too. I was completely sick all nine months of James, so I totally sympathize. Of course I didn't have any other kids yet, but I was a nanny for a two year old girl.

Glad to hear from you! I was wondering how you were doing!

Darbee said...

We are actually in Fairfax. Zach is attending the Johns Hopkins branch in DC and is loving it. It is nice being here and we are loving our ward. (We are in the Fairfax Ward.) We are actually talking about planning a trip to Pennsylvania maybe in the Spring. I'm sure we'll stop in to see your family when we do. We'll keep you posted. Hope you start feeling better!