I can not believe that it is time to write an entry called the year 2009. Where has the time gone ! This year has been full of rocky roads and blessings beyond measure. But while I say that I have a home , a family, and my babies so life is good . January started out great Jack was working , I was one month preg and taking care of Emilee at the time age 2 matthew age 1 . In the beginning of Feb . life continued to be wonderful and doing our day to day routine . Jack was working in Baltimore ( yes he drove everyday ) and I took care of the kids and tried to take care of myself . Then life got a little crazy , The middle of feb Jack lost his job with two little kids and preg wife that was hard but we were greatly blessed he was only unemployed for a week , but i firmly believe that things happen for a reason because on Feb 28 , I became seriously ill. I got pylonephritis ( a severe kidney infection ) I woke up one morning and could not move , I got myself to the ER and discovered what was wrong , I was running fevers of 105 . not able to eat or move . I was in the hospital for 8 days worrying about my unborn baby . Jack was wonderful he took care of everything the house the kids me , and he found a job . This illness took over my body and made life rather difficult until I had Tyler James Michael . but throughout this whole trial Jack continues to take care of me my kids and we received help beyond measure from family and close friends . March was a great month nothing two exciting . April was also uneventful but blessed. May was an interesting month Emilee turned 3 , and Jack turned 39. The end of May Jacks mom Judy passed away suddenly and off to Montana we went. That was an interesting ride me being sick and also driving in a car cross country 20 weeks preg. I don't know who had it worse Jack with me or me dealing with preg a funeral and driving cross country . June brought on my step daughter Brittany turning 18 and graduating highschool , while we do not have a relationship i know her mother is very proud and did allot of hard work in raising her and she has turned out to be a beautiful person . July was a great month I turned 27 and the count down to baby n umber 3 begun four more weeks and we would be a family of five . August came and my big boy Matthew turned 2 and the next day after alot of talking maybe a little bit of whining :) Tyler James Michael Morris came into the world and joined our crazy family. He was the cutest tinest baby i have ever had but he was ours and we love him . August -October was based off of survival . Three children is alot of work at any age i believe but when you have three in four years it is really challenging but you are blessed tenfold . These babies love me regardless of the many many many shortcomings jack and i have . but we are doing our best . September Emilee started preschool and loves it . She is growing up so fast and becoming a person instead of a little girl. I love her and really enjoy the fun things a mother gets to do with a daughter. November was an exciting month with Thanksgiving and realizing what we all have to be thankful for . Ohh I guess i should back up to October 1 when Jack and I celebrated 5 wonderful , stressful , blessed years of marriage . we have been through alot and sometimes honestly i wanted to call it quits i couldn't deal with it anymore but sometimes love is stronger than we think it is and I m so glad I did not listen to my bad thoughts . we have a beautiful family and we have love nothing else is needed . That brings us to December. Christmas was the best this year Emilee finally gets Christmas and watching their child like excitement in just driving to see lights and that they were so grateful for the simplest gifts was so wonderful . Seeing them and feeling the love i feel for them made me really think of the Love our savior has for us . I could not imagine having a baby in a stable with animals watching , but our savior came to earth so that he could set the ultimate example for us to live so that we can return back to him . Oh how I love my savior and how grateful I am for the sacrifices he made for us . May you all have a wonderful and fulfilling 2010
Love Jack , Sarah , Emilee Grace Ann , Matthew David Lee , Tyler James Michael Morris
The Morris 5
Saturday, December 26, 2009
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What a YEAR!! I just keep in mind that Heavenly Father only gives us what we can handle. you have had your plate full, but look at you, still kicking!! I like the Morris 5, it should be your new blog name for 2010 ;)
I like the Morris 5 too!! I can't believe all you did and went through in 2009 - 2010 will be calmer in the sense that you won't be bearing anymore kids. Just dealing with the ones you have - HAVE FUN!! 18 yrs of commitment - I think I missed the small print in the hospital!
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