Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Challenges , reality , milestones and family

I know I know it has been five weeks since i have updated this blog . But i have an excuse or shall i say three excuses their names are emilee matthew and tyler .
This post is going to be about the day to day of The morris house hold


Some of the challenges of being a mom of three three and under are time , there is never enough of time for everyone . Cleaning and keeping up on the daily chores ( i really don't want to go there ) making sure everyone is getting the attention and care that they need , this one is the hardest I never really get to enjoy tyler im so busy that sometimes im finding myself saying hurry up and eat this bottle so that i can go get stuff for your siblings , or your just going to have to cry a little bit longer because darn it i need a shower . Poor jack by the time the kids are in bed and it is time to be a grown up and have some one on one time i am pooped , exhausted and just trying to get ready for the next day .
But oh am I so richly richly blessed .


Reality is I did this to myself . No body made me have three babies , so i just need to suck it up and do it . Everyone says yeah well you have your mom right there , yes that is true and yes sometimes i find myself using her more as a crutch then i should however reality is they are my babies and my responsibility and no matter if your mom lives a few miles down the road or across the country it is still hard .
Reality is my husband works second shift which leaves me to the most STRESSFUL time of day bed time , tyler does not do well at night and i am tyring to get the older two on a schedule for bed time so it is hard . Reality is I can't lay down with the kids anymore tiull tthey fall asleep
I am finding that I stay in more while that gets depressing and lonely reality is it is a hard thing to do to get three babies all buckled up in their seats and all in the mood to go somewhere and it is really hard to go shopping by myself because really how can i push two carts .


Emilee is in PRESCHOOL . This is a true blessing for both of us , It gives me a break . yes it is a break to only have two babies at home . She loves it and does really well , she needs this to get away and be her own person , I have foudn that I have treated Emi and Matthew as twins , this they are not they are two individuals at two different stages in life . So trying to let Emilee grow up while not rushing matthew to is hard

Tyler is doing really well , his head is super strong he likes to roll onto his side , he is laughing and cooing .

Matthew is Talking up a storm and really learning to express his feelings with words versus tears . I really try to stress this because whining is no friend of mine

Jack has doen a a super job at coming to terms with the fact htat we live in a zoo and that life is busy . He is such a huge help , willing to take the older kids so i can take tyler or take tyler so that i can enjoy the older ones . He is also a hard worker poor guy has been super super sick and has continued to help me and go to work ( he finally listend and came home early )

I would not be able to do this without him . He is truly my best friend


I love my fmaily I would be lonely and BORED with out them

My mom puts up with my lonliness and will allow me to come to her house to just have a change of atmosphere and hang out and eat dinner

My dad is always a good guy hard worker and a great pap pap
He really loves his grandchildren

Our aunt Nina ( Jenea ) we love her and miss her and want her home . She is sooo happy and if i could be half of what she is oh man i would be good . She loves life and everyone . She takes great care of my kids and helps me realize that the stuff they do is normal . She will mae a great mom someotime

Uncle Kenny , He is at school and doing well in soccer . Oh i love kenny . He is a great great guy and does what he wants to do . He is helpful and great with my older kids they are lucky to have him as an uncle

Sam He loves music and life and the gospel , He knows for himself that he is doing what he wants to do .

Jack like i said earlier is a great guy and hard worker , he knows that family is his priority and makes sure that we have what we need even if it means getting rid of something that he wants He deals with my stress well and reminds me that im a good mom . He got a new job and will be hoem at night oh im so happy we have been married five years tommarow TOMMAROW wow and i havn't had him home at night ever

Me well im a mom while at times i feel like im losing my own identity and sometimes thinking my kids would be better off with me working ( I can be pretty nasty sometimes ) I love staying home and when it ocmes down to it that is what i need to be doing right now in this season of my life
I really need to look into finding joy in the journey

I love my kids and my husband and while this post has been a little personal i needed to see this in type . To realize that im truley blessed and that my life isn't so hard
well im off to go put my babies to bed


Inger-Lis said...

I am glad to hear you are doing so well- relatively anyway ;) You are very blessed, and well, if those blessings were a piece of cake, would you appreciate them as much? Don't answer that. Love ya! I wish I could come out there and see all your little guys.

Jenea Fultz said...

I thought I'd check this blog... since i havnt in probably since the one time you told me too look at it... Glad I did becuase its something i'm glad I read. I love it here at school but there is not a day that goes by that I do not think of those 3 heaven sent angels. Especialy my emi girl and my buzz boy! I would do anything to be able to get them on a plane and have them visit for a day! They're my babies!!!!!