Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I was watching a video on a friend of mines facebook page about a father and a son doing the iron man . The son is handicapped however the father was pulling him in a raft while he swam, pushed his wheelchair while he ran , peddled a two person bike with his son on the front . The message of this video reminds me of the love that i have for each of my children and how i want to be there pushing and pulling for them and being their biggest cheerleader . My children are my life and my world without them i have nothing . It is amazing to me the deep deep love that we have for our children and to know that our heavenly fathers love is deeper and stronger for me and for all of us . He is there pushing and pulling and keeps going and going even when we don't want him to . I can remember as a young teenager really just wanting my parents to leave me alone . I'm so glad that they pushed and pulled because without them and there love i would not be where i am or who i am today . I have been struggling lately with finding joy in the journey of motherhood . At times i think am i getting through am i doing enough am i loving them enough . and then i see there sweet innocent faces smiling or laughing or being forgiving and think there is no greater love that i can have for someone then this . Some days the iron man race of life is exhausting and i feel like i can't give any more and somedays i would like to just walk out the door and quit but i can't i have to keep fighting and going and moving forward they need me and i need them . i have been super emotional lately and i don't know if it is still because I'm still somewhat post par tum or what . but i love my Emilee Matthew and Tyler . and we as team Morris will strive to finish this big race of life so we can live together forever . ( oh yeah jack is part of team Morris as well . )
sorry for two sappy posts in a row but it is my feelings .