Friday, April 25, 2008


Some one wonderful once told me that your mood and your way of feeling is all about your thoughts. So since this morning has been a rough morning i would like to list 10 things im happy or thankful for and see if that helps . This isn't easy for me to do so here we go .
1. My little matthew slept from 7 to 3am and then from 3 to 7.
2. Emilee slept through the night and was somewhat happy this morning
3. We went for a almost successful walk today . we had to turn around because emilee was not liking matthew and was quite cranky.
4.This beutiful weather that allows me to go outside with my children
5. My double stroller which if it wasn't for this Walks twice a day would not be possible . okay anything is possible buti t wouldn't be as wonderful .
6. the hard wood floors that my parents are putting in it makes for a easy clean up .
7. ELMO . Elmo is a quick fix to anything .
8. TEDDY will almost end all temper tantrums
9.My wonderful husband who deals with me while im having some serious PMS
10. The fact that we are MOVING in one week and i will have my own house and my own space .
Ok im feeling alot better

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Wife id the greatest:)

Don't you know that I spend soo much time at work (two Jobs), I can always come home to my beautiful wife smiling and waiting up for me. You cannot imagine what that makes me feel like. I leave for work at 7:00 in the morning and I don't get home until anywhere from 10:30 - 12:30 and she is always waiting up to talk to me. She always has the kids in bed and the room cleaned up, Trust me, the room being clean means ALOT. I Love her soooooooo Much and I miss her just as much during the day. I Love You Sarah, See U Tonight.


Jack Lee

Saturday, April 12, 2008

THE MORRIS ARE MOVING ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK so our prayers have been answered and we have found a place of our own to live in . I'm so excited i even said to Jack I can't wait to use my new vacuum cleaner in my OWN house . Now i just need some decorating ideas . This house is beautiful it has three floors a basement and i will or should i say my kids will have their play room . So we can have play group at my new house soon . It is three bedrooms it has three cute little doors that lead outside and a door on the side that you can drive up to with groceries or sleeping babies . I'm sooo excited can't you tell . The move date is set for May 3. oh wow i need to pack , not alot though because most of our stuff is in storage and we have lived without it for 8 months so it is getting thrown away. Yeah I'm sooo happy .

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


TODAY is one of those days . I greeted Emilee with a Good Morning how are you and she greeted me with a NO LET ME GO . She has tried to strangle matthew , matthew has been locked in a closet and she has informed me today no nap . She then runs off with the phone as im talking to my husband who by the way today will not be home till 10 30 11. and she runs off with the phone for some privacy . what two year old needs privacy ( wait i still have a month of almost two ) Why do these cute little people need to be sooooo nasty sometimes. Emilees problem is she is to smart for her own good . The other day i came out of my bedroom and she was sitting there watching tv with a sippy of milk that i put in the fridge the night before . ( thanks for the sleep em ) she knows how to run the vcr and tape player . SCARY . Our kids grow up to fast .
My Matthew on the other hand has just been putting up with his sister but gives me this look ever now and then like are you going to save me or doesn't she need to sleep sometime todya mom .

such is life .

Don't get me wrong i love my babies and would want to do nothing more than what im already doing .

Thank you Jack for being the awesome husband that you are in working so hard to let me enjoy my babies every day . You are the best .

Monday, April 7, 2008

I love General COnference.

General Conference did not go like i thought it would . On Saturday my children allowed me to listen to the conference which i was grateful for. On Sunday Morning i prayed that i would be able to use the talks given for my benefit . I was listening to every talk but two really popped out at me . Elder Bednars talk on Prayer was amazing , how many times do we just pray a checklist or wish list . I know I'm severely guilty of that . and Elder Hollands talk on Mothers was WONDERFUL I have been feeling very inadequate and wondering if what I'm doing is important . And hearing that they the general authorities understand made me feel wonderful and then to have Emilee fold her arms and close her eyes and say ' AMEN " During Prayer made me really appreciate the fact that Heavenly Father trusts ME with his two beautiful children . Wow what an awesome responsibility and honor .

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Thanks to the talents of my younger brother Samuel . And again my most wonderful husband for babysitting our two children so i could get a sanity uplift . I got to go see Central Dauphins High Schools Musical the Sound of Music . I LOVE THAT MOVIE . It is my ultimate favorite . Anyway it was so cool to see Yammy ( sorry Samuel ) do something wonderful , it was also nice to see a group of teenagers doing something positive . With all the negative you hear about teens and the world that was definitely great . I also learned that i need to start going to bed early . I didn't get to bed till 12 30 and man was I a nasty mommy this morning . Oh well such is life i guess . I'm going to be here by myself for most of the day so we will see how much conference i retain this afternoon. Thank goodness the Lord understands the intentions of our hearts . And thank goodness for the Ensign and DVDs

Thursday, April 3, 2008

status of reward jar

Emilee has taken to the reward jar very well ,the only thing is she doesn't want to put the object in the jar ( smiley or frowning face ) but she knows what is going on . because when you show her a frowning face she says bad . This has kind of reminded me of the atonement and repentance process . If Emilee does something huge like bite or hit or spit she gets two frowning faces and a time out . if she does the time out successfully only crying ( since i can not tell her to not have feelings ) then i will take one of the frowning faces away and replace it with a smiley face . cheesy i know but it is things you think of when you have toddlers .

Im going try this one .

I keep forgetting my password and even my blogname ( maybe i should write it down ) i did this time . I figured i would try to start blogging and see how it goes . I have really enjoyed reading my friends blogs . Life in Emilee and Matts world has been crazy . I am a stay at home mom for most days from 6 in the morning till 10 30 11 at night . My husband jack has taken on a second job so that i would be able to stay home iwth my babies . Emilee Grace Ann Morris age 2 ( will be two in May ) and Matthew David Lee Morris 8 months . I love my children but they challenge me every day . Matthew has just started to crawl and get around very well . Emilee has hit the terrible twos and boy are they terrible . I cry she crys . I need some help with discipline as nothing i have tried helps or works . i have done 123 magic she does not respond , i have tried time outs , i am now trying a reward jar to see if that works . If any of you have suggestions please please im begging you let me know . My peditrician says Now sarah some tantrums are like forest fires and just need to burn man i love Dr baker . Granted my childrens world hs been flipped upside down so i can't get to upset over the craziness ( most of you know our situation ) We are living with my parents and man do i want my own place and im sure my parents want me to have our own place . We only have one vehicle so im here all the time . But hey it could of been alot worse really alot worse . Man i love my family . and i always have to let myself know that there is Someone who always has it worse then i do . I am so grateful for friends like Julie Smalley and Darin tandberg and Lauren who are there to talk to for helping me out . I will be a playgroup sometime . We just got over chicken pox , I took matthew for his well check visit and we found ou that both yes BOTH babies have chicken pox . Well let me know what you think and also give me some suggestions .