Monday, October 13, 2008

things im greatful for

This past weekend i went to Time Out For Women in philly and I had a wonderful time . There was a lady there Emily Watts ( i think that was her last name ) and she gave a talk on feeling like a guilty mom . I have felt like this so many times and her talk was what i needed to hear .

Anyway i thought i would just say what im grateful for in this post

I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the role it plays in my life and my familes life

I am grateful for my parents who even through the hard times have been one of my major supporters

I am grateful for my children Matthew and Emi who forgive me every day for my shortcummings and love me unconditionally

I am grateful for my husband who works so hard to support his family and who ALWAYS makes his family number one

Thanks babe

Iam grateful for my friends who are so loving and who are not judgemental of my families shortcummings

I am grateful for the chance to be a stay at home mom , i think it is sad in todays world how some women really put that down . ( I am in no way shape or form putting down moms who work staying at home is hard and is not for ever one .

I am grateful for this country we live in while it is having some issues at this point we are still free

I am grateful for temples and the peace they bring to us ,

This weekend showed me how important our purpose as mothers is and how we need to cherish it , Heavenly father trusts us with his children and we need to love and teach them in this crazy depressing world


lauren said...

A guy was talking to K one day and asked what I did for a living. He then told K that I needed to get a job cause I was wasting my brain - funny man!! It is great to stay home and important..

Tam said...

Wasn't that a fantastic talk? Wish I'd have seen you there!

Crazy Jen said...

Darn. Wished I had known you were in philly. That's where I flew in to meet Aline before she left for NC. We were there in Philly and actually walked past the convention center where that women's conference was held. You could have hung out with us for a little bit afterwards.

Luana said...

Hi Sarah,
I don't remember you, but I do remember your mom and grandma and grandpa. I was hoping to see some pics of them on here. Do any of them have blogs? If so, could you send me the links to my email Thanks Sarah.