Thursday, April 3, 2008

status of reward jar

Emilee has taken to the reward jar very well ,the only thing is she doesn't want to put the object in the jar ( smiley or frowning face ) but she knows what is going on . because when you show her a frowning face she says bad . This has kind of reminded me of the atonement and repentance process . If Emilee does something huge like bite or hit or spit she gets two frowning faces and a time out . if she does the time out successfully only crying ( since i can not tell her to not have feelings ) then i will take one of the frowning faces away and replace it with a smiley face . cheesy i know but it is things you think of when you have toddlers .


Tam said...

Great idea, I ought to try it. Hope it continues to give you good results. It's hard to believe your baby is crawling already, it seems like we were just waiting for him to be born, how time zooms huh? Have a great day!

lauren said...

You are an awesome mom - i really need to do something like the reward jar. Let me know how it goes. Yo, yo - good thing you started the blog - it looks good. PS your man is awesome for taking on two jobs - that has to be hard for both of you..