Monday, November 17, 2008

i am having no luck with big appliances

OK so now today I'm waiting for maitence to come rip apart my bathroom upstairs . of course it is the bathroom that has the tub and sink and toilet so it has been very interesting . they have to rip the whole toilet up and see what is blocking it . it just over flows for no reason you don't even need to flush it . OH WHAT JOY .


Anonymous said...

i am sorry about your difficulty. that used to happen in the house i grew up in. let me know if you need anything, including a place to bathe.
missed you in church on sunday. i hope emi is doing better. taryn had a blast with your mom. you mom is so great to let taryn climb all over her. thank you again for helping me find my way back to church. i love you all.

Inger-Lis said...

its when stuff like that goes wrong that i am glad i rent. Its nice to give the bill to someone else.