Tuesday, November 11, 2008

a night from you know where .

OK so you all are going to laugh at me and that is ok but i still am a little embarrassed by the whole evening maybe i will laugh tomorrow who knows . This morning I went through my whole morning routine , made breakfast cleaned dishes because i was lazy last night , got sippy cups together and went about my day . This afternoon i was getting ready to stick dinner in the crock pot when i discovered that i needed to clean the crock pot so in the dishwasher it goes and i was putting stuff from lunch down the garbage disposal.

All the sudden my feet are soaking wet and dark brown dirty water is pouring out of my cupboards . gross i know , last week Matthew put three Bink's down the toilet so i thought the worse . I called jack in a frantic and he said just let it be he is on his way home .

He came home and just looked at the kitchen and shook his head . See i worked when it was just Emilee so this stuff never happened . Emi and I left Jack to be mister hero and save the day and went grocery shopping . we came back an hour later and it was still a mess . he said you have to call matience .

So i called maitence and pleaded with the lady to send someone tonight , she did

You know what i did . I put rice in the garbage disposal and ruined it . they had to call a plumber and everything . He said since it is the first time they won't charge me but if it happens again I'm looking at a 300 dollar bill . ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .... so now my dishwasher and disposal work but I'm afraid to use them now . i need to clean my kitchen floor man i wish i had a dog . hey Jen can i use yours ?????

Oh well another story in the life of a stay at home mom

Oh yeah i learned that you can use vinegar to clean just about anything even your clothes and they don't come out smelling like vinegar they come out smelling really really clean . just a tip .

Again you can laugh and call me crazy but i don't find any of this funny tonight


Erin S said...

Oh man don't feel bad -- I didn't know you couldn't put rice in a garbage disposal!! I can't believe I haven't broken mine yet. That's crazy... hope your week gets better :-)

Sara said...

Yeah, we've had our share of garbage disposal woes. Just so you know, don't do carrot or potato peels either; at least here, they make the same mess. Also, keep your eye out for those little, cheap, plastic sippy cups--they fit perfectly into the hole for the disposal and are the perfect height to get jammed in there. It required a lot of Tim's tools for me to pry that thing out.

Anonymous said...

Wow. that sucks. Shoul dhave called me I was home and could have helped! Just another speed bump in the road of life. Sorry about your day!

matthew emilee sarah and jack said...

hey sara thanks for the tips . it was a aweful night and to make it worse emi decides to have a complete blow out of a diaper at the grocery store and i forgot the diaper bag and the guy at the check out was super slow . hope tommarow is better . Love ya

Ms. Kneisly said...

No rice in the garbage disposal?
